Dear Lady Rice,
I hope you are doing fine today. I read your comment on my recent entry "Open Letter to Sandy Stimpson". Lady Rice, my blog entry that I recently posted about Sandy Stimpson was about the subject of historical rememberance and the ever battling conflict of rich versus the middle class. Lady Rice, I too wish we lived in a world where race, gender, and social class doesn't matter. But unfortunately we don't live in that kind of world. This, Lady Rice, is the real world and this real world is filled with real issues dealing with people's lives. To be honest, Lady Rice, I love all people, regardless of race, religion, etc, but that is just me. The purpose of my entry is to educate and inform people about the comparison of others' views of African Americans in the past, wearing the "blackface" image as well as the acting out the stereotypical characteristics and how Mobile Republican Candidate Sandy Stimpson and his volunteers portrayed his current views of African Americans as well as the young Americans of today with the Harlem Shake video. It's the same thing but updated. If Sam Jones was a white man and a Democrat I would still vote for him because he knows exactly what it's like to struggle. Sam Jones and Democrats knows what it is like to actually work for a living, working hard to get paid. Sam Jones and Democrats actually knows what it's like during hard times. Also, Sam Jones is not rich. He currently makes good money, but he is not rich. Sam Jones and other Democrats actually knows how the real world works and not have a dime to his name. Sam Jones knows deep in his heart that people in the city of Mobile actually need help in order for them to have a better life and survive. Not everybody was born with a silver spoon in their mouth like your Republican Candidate Sandy Stimpson, Lady Rice. There are real people out here struggling in the City of Mobile! Sam Jones is not like those stuck up, snooty people and politicians that you see in these historic fancy buildings of here in Mobile who are saying in their minds to people who are currently struggling and unfortunate, "I got mine, now you are going to have to go and get yours!" The crime in the City of Mobile is very high, Lady Rice. Do you know why the crime is high? Because people out there are struggling to make ends meet especially on Christmas time! When people go out and try to find a job out in Mobile, employers turn down several people and they don't get hired. Some people don't go out and start robbing and stealing just for the fun of it, please!
Even though I'm discussing about crime in a certain manner, I do not consider committing crimes as an option for anyone.
There are also some people out in Mobile working two jobs at the same time, and even though some people are working two jobs at the same time and with the robbing and stealing and dealing drugs that's going on some these people are still living in poverty. And do you know why they still live in poverty, Lady Rice? Because all of these Republicans in Mobile, Alabama don't care about no one except the rich. Republicans are not out to help the middle class and the poor class. Republicans are out helping the rich! And you must understand Lady Rice the reality is that not everything happens overnight. Sam Jones is doing his best for the City of Mobile to get more jobs!
Also, what some people in the city of Mobile is that Sandy Stimpson is a businessman. A businessman is a very smart person when it comes to persuading. He knows what to say and not to say in order to make a sale, a profit. Stimpson knows Psychology and knows how the mind works. Businessmen will talk to people repeatedly until they fall for them.
That video Sandy Stimpson made was and still is an insult to the African American Community, but he knows it sells to the younger crowd in the city of Mobile, Alabama.
Lady Rice:
Open Letter To Sandy Stimpson: