If you (African Americans that exists today) say Hillary Clinton called African Americans "superpredators" (and she didn't) back in 1996, why did African Americans continue to love and praise her and Bill Clinton for doing a wonderful job in the White House? Why did all African Americans continue to trust her and Bill Clinton during the Clinton Presidential Term (1992-1996)?
People, don't you think IF Hillary Clinton really called African Americans "superpredators", don't you think African Americans (including myself who was 13 years old then) who remember the Clinton Term would've been upset at Hillary Clinton back in 1996? If Hillary Clinton actually called African Americans "superpredators", African Americans who remember the Clinton Term would NOT have forgotten that. The African Americans who exist today who don't trust Hillary Clinton might want to do their research and rethink their decision about her. Hillary Clinton NEVER called African Americans "superpredators". If African Americans love and praise Hillary and Bill Clinton during the Clinton Presidency in the White House back in 1992-1996, you need to find out why. If African American said what a wonderful job Hillary and Bill Clinton did through out their lives, you need to find out why. If you go on YouTube, there are African American famous people and comedians from the 1990s who praise Bill and Hillary Clinton for the jobs they done while in the White House. And trust me when I say when you do your research, you will have a whole new respect for Hillary Clinton.
Guys it is almost that time! The 2016 Presidential Election! Are you registered to vote? If not, you better register immediately! Remember registering to vote is NOT the same thing as voting! Voting for the new U. S. President is on November 8, 2016. Please be sure to read the qualifications for voting and make sure you have all the necessary things in order to vote on November 8, 2016. Please keep in mind that each state has different voting rules (which means the qualifications for voting are different). If you can't get access to a computer or cell phone, please go to a library or Department of Motor Vehicles to fill out a voter registration form. You should get something in the mail that tells you where to go to vote on November 8, 2016. Below are some links where you can register to vote online. You must be at least age 18 and older to register to vote in the United States.
I don't know how this mess got started about Hillary Clinton saying African Americans are super predators back in 1996. But I know one thing, whoever started this about Hillary Clinton was not telling the truth. The African American Community has been mislead by the media (I don't know any specific people in the media). Some people in the media intentionally picked bits and pieces of what Hillary Clinton said. Now, let me tell you something about some people in the media and I do mean "some people" : It is their job to take things that are really said and twist it around and make it seem different and bigger than it really is, this is how they make their money. When some media companies "edit" videos to make it look or sound like something else, people get the wrong message about other people. There are some news media companies you can trust and there are some news media companies you can't trust. When people look at the "edited" versions of the tape on news channels and news websites, when Hillary Clinton says the word, "superpredators", please notice that Hillary Clinton's first part of the speech has been cut off and it goes right to the part where she says a sentence that has the word "superpredators" in it. In my opinion, there are some African Americans who owe Hillary Clinton an apology. Hillary Clinton has been mistreated and misunderstood by people who don't trust her. There are probably some African Americans who looked at an edited recording of what Hillary Clinton said about the crime bill back in 1996. If you're going to criticize someone, at least now the person better and extend your research. Now CSPAN went back in their video records and found the unedited recording they did back in 1996. Now back in the early to mid 1990s, crime was and still is going up at a large rate (and that is the honest truth). But Bill & Hillary Clinton always stood up for African Americans and other minorities around the world. I trust both of them. I'm with Hillary Clinton. The truth is Hillary Clinton has NEVER been disrespectful to African Americans. Hillary Clinton NEVER said anything bad about African Americans. Hillary Clinton has NEVER referred to African Americans as "superpredators". Please watch the entire CSPAN video.
I've just watched Willie D's video about the 2016 Presidential Election. Willie D was part of the rap group The Geto Boys. According to Willie D, we as African Americans shouldn't vote in the election. Ok, I, Shaunta Simone Williams, think that is a bad idea. Not exercising your right to vote doesn't make our issues in the United States any better. When people ask you why are not choosing to vote and decide to advise you, you're not "being bullied" as some people say. Too many people have died, have been beaten and had their skin torn off their backs not for you to choose which person really has your best interest at heart. Black people who exist today and not choosing to vote in the 2016 Presidential Election wasn't there when black people in the 1950s and 1960s were being gunned down by police (and police have been doing that to black people for years, this problem just didn't start today). Black people who exist today wasn't there when black people from the past were getting lynched. It is easy for African Americans who exist today to say that phrase, "I'm not going to vote".
Black people who exist today wasn't there when black people from the past were facing unfair justices such as sitting in the back of the bus, going to segregated schools and receiving different types of education. And trust and believe when I say that black and white people had different types of education. In the past black people where told that they couldn't be a lawyer, a doctor, or they couldn't have a high paying office job position, because they wanted to keep black people at low standards. In the past black people were sitting separated from different races, using segregated bathrooms (where white bathrooms were clean and colored bathrooms were dirty), and using segregated water fountains. Black people who exist today wasn't there when the KKK were implementing terrorism by making threats to black people from the past and burning crosses in front of their houses. Despite everything that happened to some African Americans during the last couple of years, African Americans who exist today are at the easiest time in their lives because they have the choice of what school and college and high paying jobs they desire. In places black people can sit anywhere they want. African Americans from the past when through hell really bad and had a difficult time in the United States of America. Despite all the ugliness that has happened during the last few years, African Americans cannot afford to "not vote". This 2016 Presidential Election is entirely too important for African Americans or any other minority in the United States to miss. The strategy of not voting is going to BACKFIRE, plain and simple. Every decision, choice that you make in the back of your mind has a consequence. If you really think black lives do matter, then prove it, cast your vote during the 2016 Presidential Election.
Whether you vote or not, what happens in the United States will still affect you as a U.S. citizens. When you do your part in voting, it is like you are having your say in the U.S, you who are part of the people are speaking, making the government hear you. When you vote, you are saying I want a better life, a better life and education for the children. But when you don't vote, you are choosing to stay silent and letting everything ride. Once again, you can't afford to sit and watch, you have to take action. Get out and VOTE!
Sadly, several Republicans in the USA are eagerly doing whatever they can to change our voting privileges (sending us back to the days of Jim Crow). If you, as an American citizen, don't use your right as to vote, then you don't have the right to complain about anything. If you as an American citizen don't use your given right to vote in the Untied States, then you are doing what your oppressor (Donald Trump) wants you to do. If you don't vote, not only you are doing the will of your oppressor, but you will be fulfilling the dream of the majority, who all these years viewed you as an animal and "property" and who (the majority) have hated the day that you as a human being have been given the freedom of a voice. We as the minorities of the United States need to exercise our right to vote because we have been intimated, whipped and forced into silence entirely too long in America. Now, if you don't like the candidates that the people of this country has chosen, I'm asking you to choose your battles wisely. Personally, I like Bill and Hillary Clinton because I remember both of them during the Clinton President Term in 1992. Bill was a wonderful President for the USA and Hillary is more than just the First Lady. Hillary Clinton was in politics all her life. I don't like Donald Trump because he is racist (in my opinion) and he doesn't know anything about politics and people will see that during the General Election Debate. As an American you must realize how important a vote is worth. When you vote, you are voting for change, you vote for a better atmosphere and better environment, and you vote for better rights.
I hope you are doing well today. I'm sorry you were misunderstood and taken out of context. I was reflecting on your tweet and you are correct, we are the same. I value your opinion for a couple of reasons. According to the bible GOD speaks about racism several times. GOD does not like racism whatsoever. On those occasions, GOD says that there is only one race......the human race. So you, Mr. Timberlake are correct, we are the same. The more we educate ourselves and read, the more we will realize this fact. The second reason why I value your opinion is because several people in the United States who are white are not as white as they think they are. Some white people have Sub Saharan African (Black), South African, Asian, Mexican, Native American, Spanish, Central American, etc. And some African Americans are not as Black as they think they are. Some African Americans have Eurpoean (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Scottish, French, Irish, Danish, Scandinavian, Finnish), Mexican, Asian, Native American, South American, Central American, etc. So all of us on the earth are not so different. I don't know where or how the ridiculous theory of superior and inferior started, but no one is better than anyone on this earth. Racism is a mental illness that plagues the minds and souls of the uneducated. Those two reasons are why racism needs to be discussed. Not enough people are educated on the deeper level of DNA and race. So when people say the statement, "we are the same", there is truth and logic to that. Our DNA speaks the truth. The more we discover who we really are underneath, the more we can learn to love others in this world.
I hope you are doing well today. There is a saying, "People who don't know history is doomed to repeat it". Today there are more and more people in this country that may have forgotten history that happened in the United States. To some people, the past is so brutal, so hurtful and so painful that some African Americans today want to forget what happened because it too sad. The truth is the history that happened in the past in the United States is hard to forget, the fact of not being treated with dignity and respect, the fact of not being considered equal or a human being, the fact of all the hurtful myths that spread from ear to ear around the United States (especially the Southern States), simply because of the fact that we as African Americans were in the past considered to be different and inferior. These things hurt us psychologically. In the past, African Americans were being exploited over and over again. In the past African Americans were considered to be like cattle. We in the past were considered to be property. We were considered to be ruthless sexual beings, wanted pleasure constantly and having certain large body parts. We weren't even called African Americans, we were called niggers. We were considered to be ignorant, having no memory at all (and they wanted to keep us ignorant, that is why black slaves weren't allowed to read in the past) and having no sense of feelings. We were also considered to be cannibals. We were considered to be violent. It took a long time for black people to earn the status African American. Today, this day and age, there are several young people who are unknowing promoting the lies that were said by slave owners from the past because they don't know or understand what happened in United States history. It hurts me to say the following things that I'm about to say. There are some African Americans who think it's cool to be ignorant and have no education. There are some African Americans today who think it is ok to use a gun when they feel defeated or when something doesn't go their way. Violence among African Americans are at an alarming rate. There are African American women who are wearing revealing clothing and doing scandalous dancing such as twerking and think it's ok. Also some African American women are getting breast and butt implants to make their body parts bigger and to get attention. Some African Americans are calling each other derogatory words such as nigger, bitch, wench and the same words that slave owners from the past used to degrade us. There are some African American men who sleep around and get women pregnant and either leave and/or won't take care of the children financially. There are also some African American men who hit and slap their significant others and think nothing of it. There are some African American parents who don't teach their children the importance of education.There are so many things messed up within the African American Community. And we as African Americans are still struggling to make ends meet just like in the past. If we as African Americans who exists today don't get an education, life for us will be pure hell. If we as African Americans to pay attention to what is going on today, we can easily lose the things that is considered part of our equal rights. So you see, it is important for all us to keep on educating ourselves, even though the period of slavery is involved. The struggle among African Americans still exists despite what some people say. For decades, African Americans were and still considered unequal to some people. Education and learning are never ending cycles in life. So if people want to make more historical movies involving slavery, so be it. We as a people have to be kept informed about the past in order to make USA and the rest of world better.
Some of the young people need to be schooled about the Clintons! This some folks from this organization Black Lives Matter and other young teens and young adults were either babies (born in the 1990s) or wasn't even on earth when Bill Clinton became president in 1992. They don't remember anything. And some people who are telling the young people that exist today only bad things because they hated the Clintons back in 1992. The reason why some people hated the Clintons back in 1992 is because they (the Clintons) help everyone of every race. The young people who are here today are only going by what the older generation (the ones that didn't like the Clintons back in 1992) told them. I was 13 years old when Bill stepped in the White House. Bill Clinton was a damn good POTUS! When former President Bill Clinton passed the Crime Bill, the level of crime was and still is out of control. The level of crime has skyrocketed. And now BLM criticizing something they don't know nothing about! Find out who people are really about before you start talking about them! Bill and Hillary Clinton had always fought for the African American Community ever since they got involved in politics.
I'm angry at Black Lives Matter. The only right thing they did was protest at Donald Trump rallies. They shouldn't be protesting on Bill Clinton. Black Lives Matter need be problem solvers. They need to figure out how to get drugs and violence out of neighborhoods and the streets. They need to figure out how to encourage people to increase their education and skills so they can have employment. They need to figure out how to become healthy and better by eating right and working out. Right now Black Lives Matter is not doing enough to help the communities. The BLM organization is not teaching other African Americans how to use their minds, realize their potential and better themselves as a whole and they are not teaching them how to "not give in to the negative pressures of society". But African Americans do have a right to get angry when innocent people are killed and fallen victim to the hands of the system. But the BLM organization need to teach some African Americans how not to be a contribution and a paycheck for the system because police officers, lawyers, and judges make money off of bad decisions everyday.
I know people in Mississippi think LGBT is a sin. But, the citizens of Mississippi are NOT perfect. Their hands are not clean. The Republicans in Mississippi enjoy thinking of themselves as "Christians". But they are also self-righteous. All of the people in Mississippi are sinners
whether they realize it or not. They are not religious Christians are they proclaim themselves to be. They are human just like everyone else. They are not better than anyone else on this earth. Some businesses in Mississippi are public and every person has the right to be on public property. And no one has the right to tell anyone where to go or to be at. Those "Christians" as they like to call themselves have no right whatsoever to disband anyone.These so-called "Christians" lie, murder, rob, steal, and commit adultery. Those are sins too but those so called religious Christians do them anyway and they the last people to be talking about morals. LGBT are people too and we have no right to judge them.
My heart is broken to learn that Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant has signed an unfair house bill that allows people and companies to discriminate against the LGBT Community. This is unacceptable. This is one example of Jim Crow. I'm asking the LGBT Community don't give up on your human rights. Now is the time to protest. Protest to the best of your ability. Protest against any company or business in the state of Mississippi that accept this law. This law encourages ignorance, bigotry and discrimination. The LGBT Community are people just like everyone else on this earth. The bleed the same blood. They carry the same organs on the inside of their bodies just like every human on this earth. They speak and have voices just like every human being on this earth. The LGBT Community has a voice. LGBT need to demonstrate to the people of Mississippi and USA that this law is wrong and take back their respect and freedom. Don't settle for this. Don't give up.
I just want to say that I'm shocked and appalled at the Mississippi State Senate approving House Bill 1523 about the LGBT Community. Trust me when I say just because it was an idea don't make it a good idea. The world is changing and Mississippi and Alabama both are living in the past. House Bill 1523 is just a Jim Crow Law and encourages prejudice and bigotry. Politicians in Mississippi are out of their minds if they think House Bill 1523 can protect them. If anything, it get them into a world of trouble. In the United States Of America, refusing to serve anyone because of who or what they are is discrimination and illegal (against the law). Also, whoever thought of this bill is not looking at the situation economically. If the House Bill 1523 go into effect, state of Mississippi is in danger of losing a lot of money. Today state of Mississippi is NOT the same Mississippi that existed thirty years ago. Today money is pouring into Mississippi with the casinos, music festivals, celebrities, movie making, and several other events going on. If the LGBT Community knows that they are being discriminated, they can always file something at Department Of Justice. Besides if people with big or small businesses discriminate against the LGBT Community or any other group of people, those big or small businesses won't be in business for very long. The world is changing whether other people are for it or against it. The LGBT Community should be treated fairly like others.
First off please keep in mind that I'm a Democrat. Republicans always make these promises and say that they are going to do this and they are going to do that. They always make it seem like it is so easy to make these promises a reality. There is an old saying: Saying and doing are two different things. People don't realize that (or they may be forgetting) the fact that when entering the White House as President, ideas have to go through a process. These ideas and promises have to be voted on. These ideas and promises have to be voted through the White House Senate, then go through the House, and the Congress. Representatives who are part of the Senate, the House and Congress are going to have different opinion and views about the ideas and these so-called promises the Republican candidates have. The truth is there is no guarantee that these promises that the Republicans are making are going to stick. It's getting to the point that these promises the Republicans are making are beginning to sound unrealistic and impossible. When making these promises to the American citizens, Republicans need to explain how can they make these promises come true.
After developing a heart condition in April 2015, I decided to eat healthy, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, etc. So, for my New Year's Resolution for 2016, I decided to make different healthy smoothies as a fun way of eating healthy. I wanted to make berry smoothies, green smoothies and pumpkin/sweet potato smoothies. I went to Walmart to get some things and decided to get a bag MarketSide Baby Kale and Spinach Blend, some blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, sweet potatoes and carrots. I was eager to start what I wanted to do. I had a goal. I did a lot of research on the internet on how to make smoothies. The next day I decided to buy some freezer bags and divide up the fruits and vegetables I bought and put them in the freezer. For my green smoothies I put some spinach and baby kale, slices of green apple, slices of avocado and a whole kiwi fruit in one small freezer bag. For my berry smoothies, I put my blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and some spinach and kale in three small freezer bags. For my pumpkin/sweet potato smoothies, I sliced up my sweet potato and took my baby carrots our of the bag. I managed to have four small bags. I gathered up all my small bags of organized fruit and vegetables and put them in my deep freezer. Now, on Saturday I decided to make my green smoothie. I put everything I had in the small freezer bag into my blender. When I finished blending everything I pour the green smoothie in a cup. I went into my room and turned on the television. The very first thing I hear is that the Dole Salad Mixes and six other brand products that made salad brands include MarketSide. I'm so pissed! Now I have to throw away the bags that have all the berries in them! And I drunk the green smoothie I made! Don't get me wrong. I love and appreciate the fact that the CDC and FDA warns us about all the recalls. But recently there have been entirely too many recalls involving bacteria and chemicals being in food. What is going on? Why aren't the employees who are working in these food companies making sure that the products that we, as people. are consuming are safe? All of these food recalls that we have been receiving lately makes me question the sanitary conditions of these companies. It is getting to the point that I worry constantly whether what I'm eating is safe or not. I'm getting paranoid about what I'm putting in my body. I'm started to lose trust in these food companies. Do you care about the fact that people can get sick and die from how you companies prepare food? Do you care? I really think the health departments need to be on these companies! Seriously! Please do your job and make sure the food that you prepare for us is safe to eat! Enough is enough!
Dear President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders,
A Texas Republican Governor name Greg Abbott wants come up with a bill that involves letting state laws overrule federal laws. This is a bad idea that worries me. The reason why I say this is a bad idea is because if this happens, Republicans within each state can have the power to strip away United States Citizens Constitutional Rights. Everything that we, as United States American citizens, have worked so hard for in our 400 years will be for nothing. Over those 400 years, people, whether they are male or female or of any racial background, have died trying to give new meaning of pursuing "life, liberty and happiness". According to their recent history, Republicans who are Senators, State Representatives, and State Governors have been doing everything in their power to slowly take away our constitutional rights such as scheming and plotting to block the voting rights for everyone, especially minorities, taking away same sex marriage rights, bringing unfairness and injustice toward minorities, blocking refugees from the safety from dangers they may face, cheating U.S. citizens out of their fair share of their hard working income and of course, repealing President Obama's Healthcare Plans, also known as Obamacare, that will help the unprivileged have healthcare in the United States. This bill will give Republicans with each state the opportunity to abuse and overuse their power and treat people like me as second class citizens. All of us, whether male or female, or whether any racial background deserve the right to live in the United States of America with independence and in pursuit of "life, liberty and happiness".
I was just looking on the news website about how Judge Roy Moore of Alabama sent out a ruling on banning same-sex marriage. There are some random thoughts going through my head. Why on earth do these southern Republican/Dixie politicians of the Southern States of USA think that they are above the United States federal law? They have been like this since the beginning. And why do so many people dumb enough to be their followers? The Southern States has a solid history of being arrogant and thinking they are about federal law. They feel like they have something to prove and they don't like to be told what to do. They want to boost up their pointless pride and ego. When it comes to the United States Constitution they cherry pick what they want and what they like. This is suppose to be the United States of America, land of independence, land of opportunity, but who does the United States Constitution really apply for? Judge Roy Moore has no power over the Supreme Court and the President! His ruling means nothing! Roy Moore has wasted time and taxpayer's money on something that is already made into federal law. Federal overrules State. Judge Roy Moore needs to do what the Federal Law says. If he can't do that, then Roy Moore has absolutely no business in the serving the public. Roy Moore needs to step down from his position.When a Federal Law takes effect in the United States of America, every state and every county in that state in the USA has an obligation to obey that law. Also, what Roy Moore is doing is against the law and causing everyone to break the law in the state of Alabama. The last person who tried to "be above federal law" ended up in jail! And that person was Kim Davis who ended up in jail.
Please note that I'm a Hillary Clinton supporter. I've also been thinking about Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign Motto or Slogan, whatever you want to call it, "Making America Great Again". The truth is the United States of America is already a good country. The ideas and rhetoric that Donald Trump spreads doesn't mean that all people in the USA goes along with it. As a matter of fact, most people think and say that Donald Trump is a joke. The USA was and still is a country made of immigrants from around the world. The people who come to the USA from different cultures and countries around the world have wonderful and bright ideas on how to make USA continue to be the progressive country that it is. Some of our resources that help USA survive as a country come from different countries around the world. Most of the wonderful items and ideas that USA have come from people from around the world! Wonderful people of different religions such as Christianity, Islam, Muslims, Hindu, and Jewish are beautiful. Wonderful people of different racial backgrounds such as Mexican, Hispanic, Asian, Caribbean, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, etc are beautiful. Someone in USA loves all of you! And that is what makes USA great! Variety spices up the USA! People around the world with different cultures, religions and countries I love you!