Sunday, September 19, 2010

It Is Time For The Wealthy To Pay their Dues!

John Boehner is plotting to get in as Speaker of the House and the rest of the Republicans are planning to "take back their country" (whatever that means) and the rich people want to get voted into Congress to keep from paying taxes. Republicans like Boehner wants to keep their money to themselves and doesn't want to help the middle and poor class and the system (public school boards, prison systems, Department of Human Resources, etc). If the People's House (as Obama says it) and the American citizens continue to give the wealthy Americans a break the middle and poor American citizens will continue to suffer from low income, low salaries, and poor hourly wages. Also, public school systems will suffer because their money comes from taxes. It takes money to run public schools effectively. Also, doctors, teachers, nurses, construction workers make their salaries from taxes. State Governments need money from taxes to make roads and streets stable. Community centers such as the Boys and Girls Club must stay open in order to keep children from getting into trouble. The level of crime can decrease as well because people can have stable jobs. Part of the reason why the level of crime is so high is because people have very little money and have jobs that make them work extremely hard with very little pay. Sometimes people have to work two jobs just to get by. It is time for the rich to start paying what they owe. This country is suffering. People are angry and struggling to keep a roof over their heads for their families. To keep the wealthy American citizens from paying taxes would be selfish, unfair, and unhuman because there are things that need to be done and things that need to be fixed around the country. If the wealthy don't want to pay taxes, that means they don't care about the well-beings of the American middle and poor class, they don't care about the systems of the public, and they don't care about the well-being of their country. If we let the wealthy American citizens slide on paying their dues, America will be turning into a third-world country!

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