Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Motives Behind the November 2010 Elected Republicans

People of Unity,

Please keep in mind that the Republicans' intentions for the President Obama is to fail. President Obama is trying his best to do what he can for the people. In this mess, I still believe in President Obama. I don't care if President Obama ran for a fourth term, I will still vote for him. The only reason why those Republicans like Boehner and McConnell are because of one thing, and that is the Bush Tax Cuts. That has been the Republicans' number one priority eversince they elected into office on November 2, 2010.They don't want to help the middle class. As I said before, the Republicans don't care about helping schools to educate children, they don't care about helping construction workers make the roads safer and easy to drive on for American citizens, they don't care about helping people with their health issues and they don't care about helping people keep government jobs that are neccessary to help keep the America moving along. These Republicans just refuse to work with President Obama. I can't deal with the fact that the Republicans' stand in the office and continuously rape America-taking advantage of the middle class for their own personal pleasures, with no remorse from the Republicans. While the Republicans live well and prosperously, toasting up their wine glasses towards the ceiling, middle class America suffers in sorrow, agony, pain, and anxiety. The Republicans'take whatever they want from the middle class and not have any consequences whatsoever, because when you get down to it, its all about wealth and power for the Republicans. People of Unity, we can't let President Obama to fail. I want President Obama to succeed. While the Republicans continue to bring down Obama, I hope the people who voted for the Republicans take advantage of this opportunity to see their true colors.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What happened to America?

As I watch the Republicans who got elected into Congress into the White House on Nov 2, 2010 make plans for 2011, I realize that our freedom, our independence, and rights to be ourselves are slowly being taken away from us! What is happening? This is not the United States of America I grew up with. What happened to the freedom of will power and the independence that other countries around the world envied us of? These Republicans are making decisions that are making American citizens' heart palpitate. The Republicans are making the rules as they go, making life easy for them and harder for American middle class citizens. Why are the Republicans treating middle class like they are better than us? The Republicans of the United States of America are taking away our free will of learning (some states are changing their education cirriculum), people's free right of citizenship to run away from bad times and hardship, prisonment, and dictatorship (immigration), our insurance of survival during career search (taking away unemployment benefits), and acceptance who we are regardless while serving the community and the country (Don't Ask, Don't Tell), and finally, changing the United States Constitution. America used to be a safe haven for EVERYONE to pursue their dreams of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What in the hell happened?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Republicans want to end Unemployment Benefits in 2011

People of Unity, you will not believe what I heard on the Ed Show on MSNBC. The Republicans who just got elected to the White House in November 2, 2010, has decided to take away Unemployment Benefits for people who got laid off, fired, or trying to find a job. This is insane! How will people with children be able to survive? These Republicans should be ashamed of themselves! They don't care about anyone but themselves! I don't know about you guys, but I don't think I can deal with this for two more years! This country is really turning into a third world country. I can't believe this! The rich people are going to be celebrating and relaxing while the middle class is going to be stressed out and starving! If you lose your job, you are screwed! The Republicans are reversing everything that Bush Administration had. Something must be done about this, because come January 2011, this is going to be crazy! You guys, the Republicans won't even have dinner with President Barack Obama to figure out solutions to some problems, saying they have other things to do. People of Unity, What can be more important in the Republicans' political career than trying to come up with solutions of problems regarding the American citizens? I hope the American citizens who voted Republican will soon be able to use their common sense through this.This country is going to be in a huge mess! Also, the Republicans are too damn obsessed with bringing down the President instead of solving America's problems.There are American citizens out here suffering! People are angry! The Republicans are screwing things up already!!! The Republicans are showing exetremely poor leadership in the White House! The Republicans are detach from reality
and wants everything their way! The Republicans of the United States are giving America a bad reputation! The Republicans need to stop spread fear and hate!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The New Immigration Law in Florida

It is clear that the SB 1070 law is targeting certain ethnic backgrounds and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what I'm talking about. The state of Florida is not going after Canadians and Europeans because the Republicans in Florida THINK they look like Americans. This proves exactly how closed-minded Republicans are because they think the Canadians and Europeans contains one or two racial backgrounds and that is not true. In my opinion, Canadians and Europeans are going to be discriminated against anyway because just like America, Canada and Europe both contain a large variety of ethnic people. You can be Hispanic and come from Europe. You can be white and come from Africa, Jamaica, Haiti and Domician Republic. I was afraid this was going to happen! This is the racial discrimination that the ethnic citiziens was trying to get away from for years. There are reasons why people from different countries is to get away from dictatorship, poverty and many other struggles that are going on in their countries. Immigrants come here to seek the priceless dream of independence and freedom. Immigrants want their chance in this country too.The Obama Administration really need to do something about this because the states are making up their own immigration laws and it is getting out of control. Once again I'm sorry for the Immigrants who are trying to do the best they can to live good lives in America. People of Unity, please let me be the first to say that I'm against this law due to the fact that shows discrimination toward people.





Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Wrath of the Republicans: Deficit Commission Proposal

Well my Brothers and Sisters, the Republicans are not even in the White House yet and they're already messing up!Have anyone seen the newly Deficit Proposal? The newly Deficit Commission Proposal include the following: Raising the age for Social Security, Curtail Medicare Spending, Eliminate some tax credits, add gasoline tax, Slash White House Capital Hill Budgets, and eliminate earmarks. Are those Republicans out of they're mind? I know these Republicans don't expect forthe elderly to get up and get jobs, I know! Also, a lot of American citizens can't afford to pay to go to the doctor out of their pockets! Going to the doctor is expensive! How many more people have to die just because they don't have the money. This is America! This country is suppose to take care of their citizens!I agree with Nancy Pelosi bless her heart when she says "This is unacceptable!" My brothers and sisters, please don't be mislead, it is not President Obama that came up with those plans, please keep in mind it is these Republicans that are making these plans. Of course, you all know President Obama is not going to approve of this. The solution to this problem is simple, but the Republicans don't want to do it, and this is to GET RID OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS!!!!!! All hell will break lose if they don't. It is a shame that the Republicans rather sacrifice the well-beings of the middle class than pay a few dollars! I'm sick of this mess! How much more do we have to take? It is hard not to let this get to me.
But you know what? The Tea Party Memebers put those Republicans in charge, and the Tea Party Members are goingto get what they deserve. Those same Tea Party Members that had those signs saying "Don't mess with my Social Security!" and "Keep the Government out of our lives!" are going to suffer! But why do I feel like I'm going to go throught the slavery days picking cotton?

Put the time on 4:22 on the video below:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wonderful message for children

This video teaches children how to love themselves regardless of who they
are. You are beautiful and don't let no one tell you any different:

The Policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

This is simply a form of discrimination. It is unconstitutional to fire someone simply because of their sexual orientation after "coming out". Not to give anyone any ideas or I maybe exaggerating, but I'm worried that this law will extend on other careers besides the United States military and the navy, such as teaching, firefighting, police working, etc. If this "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" comes into practice, several people will lose their jobs and this will be one of the contributions by the Republicans that will send the United States-Land of the Free-backwards instead of forward. Equal opportunity will no longer exists in the United States. To tell the truth, the sexual orientation of a person is none of our business. This is America and the life of that person, they have the right to live it their way. We as people have absolutely no right whatsoever to tell that person how to live their life.

Happy Veteran's Day to all on November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day to our troops who have been in the past wars and to our present troops are in Iraq.I also hope the government will treat our veteran's better than just giving them a holiday. I wish some of the veterans were not struggling after they get back home and I wish they were not going through homelessness (please believe there are some homeless veterans in America) and the veteran's have absolutely no business whatsoever going through that after what they did for America. The government in America need to start treating the veterans who have been fighting for our country better. Happy Veteran's Day to all!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Importance of Slave Narratives

Slave narratives, such as “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, are evidence that tells how realistic slavery was during the eighteenth and nineteenth, century. Some slave narratives are fiction and others are non-fiction. They reveal the horrors,ordeals, and how slaves were treated as personal property and even classified as different species instead of being treated as equals to the white community. Slavesalso had to endure stereotypes, racial slurs,hardships, and the living conditions they were under (some slaves had to sleep on thefloor, for example). It was illegal for slaves to read and write.
In the slave narratives, the slave’s grammar was extremely different from the modern grammar in which we speak today. They show us the openings of complex dialogue between whites and black people in America. Slaves even called themselves “niggers” because that was how they were labeled when they cameto this country. Slave narratives also reveal the struggles for black people in the so-called “states of freedom” in the North. The Northern states were just as racist as the Southern states.
Slave narratives should be taught and shown to students in American Literature and United States History because they are important stories about former slaves and slaves who escaped struggling to get their freedom and rights in the southern states in America. They teach African Americans about their heritage and who their ancestors were during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Reading slave narratives goes into a deeper level as regarding to lecturing to students what slavery was about. I guest schools don’t allow slave narratives to be read to students because of the graphic racial slurs,violence, and sexual situations between masters and slaves.
BUT if teachers and college professors are going to goto this “deeper level” ofteaching about slavery, everyone MUST be prepared ofthe emotions and conflicts that will arise. There are dozens and dozens of slavenarratives on the web, such as “An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives”(http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/snhtml/snhome.html). You can choose which state you want to select. I’ve read slave narratives from the state of Alabama, some from Mobile, Oak Grove, Prichard, Fairhope, Monroeville, Bay Minette, Orchard, Montgomery, and Birmingham. The slave Narratives also come from other states as well.

When I read these narratives, I felt that I was robbed of a certain part of education that the text books failed to mention. I thought there no limits when it comes to learning, not only on slavery, but a lot ofother things in history aswell. But I guest that’s just a lie that shields all children, teenagers, and even adults away from the truth of how things really werein the past. If teachers are going to teach something, why won’t they teach the truth? I don't think it is fair to lie to the students.These slave narratives were like stories like Huckleberry Finn or Gone With the Wind.These narratives are real true stories that actually happened from ex-slaves that were interviewed by the people of WPA (Works Progress Administration). These stories explain how slavery REALLY was. The website below contains narratives and photos of ex-slaves.

Born in Slavery: Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/snhtml/snhome.html

When you reach this link above, you can select the following:

Search by Keywords, Browse Narratives by Narrator, Volume, Browse Photographs by Subject, or Browse All by State.If you click on "Browse All by State", select the following names or titles of narratives that are numbered, the click on "View page images" in order to see the slave narrative.


The Confederate Flag

While I was the Mobile Museum of Art, I have seen a quilt completed by Yvonne Wells represents the truth behind the state of Alabama. This quilt has no title, but it tells everything. A building on soil ground with three flags on the very top hanging on the pole. One flag represent our freedom and independence; the second flag represent what state we are in, and another flag represent an unpleasant history that anger some people and proudly reminds other people about their history and their heritage. One side where my brothers and sisters are trying to pull it down because this flag is a reminder of our past in which we NEVER want to go back to. This flag is a reminder of our oppression, the injustice, the beatings with large whips that resulted in everlasting large trade-marks from them and bloody scars in the hands of our ancestors’ masters, the raping of our female African American ancestors who had no decisions when it came to there bodies. The bodies of our female ancestors belong to there white masters at anytime they wanted their lust and desires satisfied and fulfilled. It is also reminders of our original, true names were taken away and we were forced to adapt name made up by our masters, the education we couldn’t get in those days because in the past they like to think of black people as dumb and stupid. In the past we were considered property, we were not allowed to have our own mind or free-will of thinking, we were forced to adapt our masters’ opinion, the only thing we were allowed to do is obey them. Sometimes, there were some black people who were forced to take the role of their masters or their masters would teach some black people how to do a typical master’s job involving slaves if they were considered a “good slave”. This flag is a reminder of how white people wanted and actually fought to keep slavery on forever. I’m not sure whether black people were forced to fight in the civil war or whether it was a choice, but the fact remains that they were part of the civil war, and they couldn’t even get the same rights as white people have. Now on the other side of the building and the confederate flag, the white people want to keep the flag up because it reminds them about their “rich, southern history” and as I said before, their heritage. Some people want to go back to the way it was, the huge plantation houses, and the huge land filled trees. But what about us? This confederate flag is also a reminder of how slavery began; black people were taken away from their families. Black kings and black queens were tricked into coming into America and sold off as a piece of property. The people who decided to bring the confederate flag were not thinking about the black people and were not considerate of their opinion whatsoever. They actually thought black people would not be offended and angry about this. We flag has one more reminder: How we were kept in bondage and mentally chained all these years. Today, this real life image of art stands in Montgomery, Alabama on I-65 southbound

Friday, November 5, 2010

Aftermath of the Election

John Boehner now gets the opportunity to extend the Bush Tax Break for the Republicans. This is a disaster for the American citizens. What about the schools and other places that need money. Boehner will finally get to appeal the new Health Care Plan because he doesn't want to help people who can't afford health care even if they are working. What is it going to take to get American citizens to see that Boehner doesn't give a damn about you! He only cares about himself and his damn tanning salons! For years the Republicans have counted on the uneducated American citizens to back them up. The Republicans and Tea Party members have been talking about taking their country back and hating President Obama. They haven't
explained anything whatsoever about how they are going to fix the problems in this country. Ok, what a minute I take that last sentence back. The Tea Party members explained they don't want the government to help them by saying "Leave my Social Security alone" etc. But these Tea Party members are not thinking with a full deck. Those old people with who have nothing to live on with the exception of their Social Security, COMES FROM THE GOVERNMENT! WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT THERE WOULD BE ANY SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE ELDERLY WHO ARE LIVING ON THEIR OWN! REPUBLICANS SAY THEY FOCUSING ON JOBS JOBS JOBS,BUT DO SOME OF THOSE JOBS INCLUDE THE GOVERNMENT? So, Republicans, you said you don't need the Government in your lives?
Ok, how about the jobs like mail people, teachers, police officiers, firefighters, doctors, construction workers, did I leave anybody out?The Republicans don't care nor discussed how are they going to solve the problems about the war in Iraq, they didn't discuss how they'll solve the problems about people losing their homes and/or jobs, they didn't discuss how they were going to fix other problems and situations regarding America. The only thing Republicans said is, "We are going to take our country back!". The Republicans main goal is to bring President Obama down because they hate him with a passion. The Republicans want Obama to fail, no matter the cost. For a person to wish and hope President Obama fails is sick, disgraceful, and unhuman because you never know when you would be affected by that wish. When the Republicans say they hope President Obama fails, they are saying "I want my family and children to suffer", "I want my children to starve", "I don't want my family to have a roof over their heads", "I want my family to be broke", "I want my family to be stressed out", "I want my family to be in pain", "I don't want my childen to have a good education", "I don't want my children to go to college". It is amazing how sick these Republicans can be.President Barack Obama said he will work with the Republicans to get things done. So, what is the Republicans'definition of "working together"? Is it "coming up with solutions so everyone can be happy" or is it "the President doing what the Republicans say and/or want?