John Boehner now gets the opportunity to extend the Bush Tax Break for the Republicans. This is a disaster for the American citizens. What about the schools and other places that need money. Boehner will finally get to appeal the new Health Care Plan because he doesn't want to help people who can't afford health care even if they are working. What is it going to take to get American citizens to see that Boehner doesn't give a damn about you! He only cares about himself and his damn tanning salons! For years the Republicans have counted on the uneducated American citizens to back them up. The Republicans and Tea Party members have been talking about taking their country back and hating President Obama. They haven't
explained anything whatsoever about how they are going to fix the problems in this country. Ok, what a minute I take that last sentence back. The Tea Party members explained they don't want the government to help them by saying "Leave my Social Security alone" etc. But these Tea Party members are not thinking with a full deck. Those old people with who have nothing to live on with the exception of their Social Security, COMES FROM THE GOVERNMENT! WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT THERE WOULD BE ANY SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE ELDERLY WHO ARE LIVING ON THEIR OWN! REPUBLICANS SAY THEY FOCUSING ON JOBS JOBS JOBS,BUT DO SOME OF THOSE JOBS INCLUDE THE GOVERNMENT? So, Republicans, you said you don't need the Government in your lives?
Ok, how about the jobs like mail people, teachers, police officiers, firefighters, doctors, construction workers, did I leave anybody out?The Republicans don't care nor discussed how are they going to solve the problems about the war in Iraq, they didn't discuss how they'll solve the problems about people losing their homes and/or jobs, they didn't discuss how they were going to fix other problems and situations regarding America. The only thing Republicans said is, "We are going to take our country back!". The Republicans main goal is to bring President Obama down because they hate him with a passion. The Republicans want Obama to fail, no matter the cost. For a person to wish and hope President Obama fails is sick, disgraceful, and unhuman because you never know when you would be affected by that wish. When the Republicans say they hope President Obama fails, they are saying "I want my family and children to suffer", "I want my children to starve", "I don't want my family to have a roof over their heads", "I want my family to be broke", "I want my family to be stressed out", "I want my family to be in pain", "I don't want my childen to have a good education", "I don't want my children to go to college". It is amazing how sick these Republicans can be.President Barack Obama said he will work with the Republicans to get things done. So, what is the Republicans'definition of "working together"? Is it "coming up with solutions so everyone can be happy" or is it "the President doing what the Republicans say and/or want?
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