I've been listening to Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour trying to make us forgive and forget what happened in Mississippi regarding race,"it wasn't that bad", Barbour says. Is he serious? That is easy for Haley Barbour to say, he didn't have to sit in the back of the bus. He didn't have to worry about getting lynched for something simple day by day. White Mississippians watched in amusement, laughter, and fun as if they were
in Six Flags and Disney World taking the lives of African Americans. These white Mississippians knew damn well the black Mississippians did nothing wrong. The white people in Mississippi did this because they thought of black people in Mississippi as "unhuman" and "animals" and "a different kind of blood that was not normal". The white people in Mississippi were so bold and proud and stuck their chests out and stood by the "abnormal" people that they were slowly genociding and taken pictures because deep in their hearts they actually felt that they were always a step ahead to making their country pure. The noose that was tied to the strongest tree branch literally stole every breath per second from a living spirit, the rope was gripping tighter by the neck as the weight of the body pulls down, stole every heartbeat with the face crying blood from the inside of their eyes. Haley Barbour never had to endure a negative stereotype day after day. Barbour had never been called a "nigger" or "coon" directly in the face. Barbour had never been literally put down because of the color of his skin. Barbour has never been told that he couldn't do anything because of the color of his skin. He has never been told that he couldn't be a doctor or a lawyer or a police officer. He has never had to look down to the ground to talk to someone. Things always went his way and he has never had to struggle. Barbour was never forced to use the " For colored only" bathroom, a dirty filthy toilet and sink filled with deadly bacteria to wash your hands with that has never been cleaned in years without soap to wash your hands with. He always had to use the "whites only" bathroom, with a clean toilet and sink with soap in there everyday, simply because white people were thought of as "clean" and "sanitary" and colored people were thought of as "dirty,filthy, and smelling". Haley Barbour was one of those people that always kept himself up regarding appearance, while african americans constantly had dirt on them, causing african americans
to think of themselves as nothing. There are into two sections in one gravesite, as if there are two different kinds of heavens and two different kinds of hell for each race: a side for whites and a side for African Americans. Haley Barbour didn't get sprayed by a water hose at a high pressure until his skin came off. Haley Barbour didn't get beat up by the police until his body turned blood red everyday. Haley didn't have to worry about his brothers and sisters being beat up and raped everyday. There were so many African Americans murdered and lynched in Mississippi due to racsim or fighting against racism and anybody that was white got away with it. Living in Mississippi was pure hell for African Americans. If Governor Haley Barbour doesn't know, then he needs to go back to school. Also, with Governor Barbour praising the White Citizens Council (now called the Concil of Conservative Citizens)proves that Governor Haley Barbour is a racists. It is a shame that he has these ways of thinking today. Let us not forget the life of Emmitt Till, who got killed for looking at a white woman? And what about Medgar Evers just to name a few.
These African Americans got fair trials several years later.Governor Haley Barbour wouldn't be talking that mess if "the shoe was on the other foot" and he has not walked a mile in anyone's shoes. Governor Barbour, have you been wrapped up in your own little world that you forgot what it was like in Mississippi?
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