Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The White Majority Of The United States Has Forgotten They Too Used To Be Immigrants!

Hello Everyone,

As an Mississippian-Alabamian I'm ashamed and disgusted by a lady (also from Alabama) who complained about the advertising billboard sign because it was in the Spanish language. People who share the same views as this lady are ignorant to the fact that their city is progressing and changing. People who share the same views as this lady are ignorant to the fact that this city is increasing in cultural diversity. The rant that this lady displayed is an embarrassment to the state of Alabama. Numerous cities around the United States of America have foreign language signs everyday and everywhere. People who share the same views as this lady doesn't understand that is a public billboard and United States is a free country and people as well as organizations have the right to display foreign language advertisements to expand their clientele. This lady has literally insulted the Latino/Hispanic Community on television. I also notice some of the comments below as I read this article. I'm so sick and tired of some of the white majority brag about their American status, as if they have one rich culture and they all came from America. Truthfully, the United States is combined with a variety of cultures from several different countries around the globe. Honestly, if it weren't for the white immigrants of the past who came to America from countries such as Ireland, Poland, Greenland, Iceland, Germany, Norway, Austria, France, and England, the white majority of the United States of America wouldn't have an "American" status to brag about. And please, let us not forget some of these white immigrants in the past didn't know any kind of English whatsoever. Some, not all, of the white majority in America have forgotten the fact a long time ago, they too used to be immigrants from different countries in search of a better way of life. The immigrants of the past have done what the immigrants of the present are doing today: trying to pursue a better way of life. I will say this once again: All of us are immigrants of the United States, the only true citizens in America are the Native Americans. Some, not all, of the white majority have grown to be so wrapped up in their privilege lifestyle that they forgotten what it was like. Some, not all, of the white majority have forgotten what it was like not being able to communicate with other people of different languages. Some, not all, of the white majority have forgotten what it was like to leave a country because they were unhappy with the limited opportunities and lack of freedom and money. They forgotten what it was like to need help in a time of need when they had nothing. That is why it sickens me that states such as Arizona, Florida, Alabama and more states to come have insulted their ancestors who in the past were in the same exact shoes as immigrants of today by coming up with their own version of what they think immigration should be by passing out these laws that contains racial profiling and injustice. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist. I love all people of different races and cultures. I'm just saying that some, not all of the white majority have forgotten where they truly came from. The white majority of the United States who are descendants of immigrants (some foreign language immigrants) from hundreds of years ago used to be in the same place as the immigrants who exist in the United States today.


  1. Thank you for reinforcing this (rarely talked about) fact my sister. Indigenous Native American brothers and sisters have been in the Americas for over 9000 years. Also, the majority of Mexicans have 30 - 40% Indigenous Native American ancestry.

  2. Oh honey you done forgot that 'forgetting where you came from" is the mark of true success in American culture. And it ain't just whites you bigot.

  3. Anonymous, are you suggesting that black folks remember that they came from Africa against their will? Kidnapped, stolen, separated from their families? Bound, chained, starved, and then sold as a commodity? Because I assure you that most black folks DO remember exactly where they came from. If you are suggesting that black folks remember that we white folks have privilege and power, I assure you: not a day goes by where white folks don't make that extremely clear. Maybe the mark of true success in your small world is forgetting where you came from, but in my world I was taught to "honor thy mother and father", to remember the struggles of my ancestors. They made it possible for me to live here today.
