First of all, I just want to say that I'm sorry about what happened in the East Coast of the United States. First they face an earthquake, second, Hurricane Irene. My heart and prayers go out to them. And what I'm about to say may sound insensitive of me. I have a question, a couple actually: Are the victims in the East Coast who been through this ordeal the same people who have went through a rage of emotions, formed and joined the Tea Party Movement, protested against "Big Government" and called President Obama all kinds of insults? Are these victims in the East Coast who have been through this ordeal the same people who created signs insulting President Obama, marched up and down, east and west, left and right on the White House Lawn, booing, cursing, and raising hell, simply because all President Obama was trying to do was change the way the Govenment operates? President Obama is trying to change the Government for the better protection for the people! The people who are apart of the Tea Party Movement should REALLY need to think before they react because they never know what is going to happen in the future. The Tea Party Movement ridiculed all the Democrats and praised insurance companies, which, in my opinion, won't be with their customers for long because of what went on in the East Coast. Everytime a disaster happens, insurance companies drop their customers' when insurance companies are needed the most. Also, isn't FEMA organization part of the Government? In my opinion, we, as United States citizens, all need FEMA, because I said before, you never know what will happen in the future. Those same people who formed and joined the Tea Party Movement are the same people who are right now walking and swimming through water that has been part of the flood in the East Coast. Those same people who joined the movement are right now watching their home fall apart with trees fallen and bent over in their yards. Different wildlife animals includes snakes and water moccasins going through the houses and everywhere else on the East Coast in the United States. Those same people that joined the Tea Party Movement and said they didn't need "Big Government" are right now at this moment sitting outside, suffering through the heat and humidity without power, sweating, smelling wishing for the comfort of an air conditioner. Those same people who joined the Tea Party movement are right now at this moment catching hell driving through open cracked roads and at home protecting themselves from danger from the earthquake. The same people that joined the Tea Party Movement didn't know if they were going to live or die! And if they did live through the ordeal they faced, who was going help them deal with the aftermath? Now keep in mind that those same people who joined the Tea Party Movement in the East Coast didn't want "Big Government". Who was going to help them pick up the pieces to go on with their lives? Who was going to help them start over? This Tea Party Movement is so stupid!
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