We had dozens and dozens of chances to discuss gun control, United States Congress, Organizations, and American citizens in their states, cities, towns, communities & neighborhoods. There were several mass murders around the United States. We as the United States of America stood back and watched and we done absolutely nothing during these events that took place. During the those chances we have put it aside and swept the issue under the rug. Why must people wait until it is too late to solve a major problem that in their minds seem so little and unimportant. People take certain issues that start out little but turn out to be a huge problem later for granted. This issue should never be taken for granted because you never know when it will happen to YOU, TO YOUR CHILDREN. I said it before and I'm NEVER afraid again: The NRA has too much power! They use intimation to bring fear among other people who stands up to them and speaks against them! The more we hold back and be afraid, the stronger this organization becomes! We must no longer be afraid to take control of our safety! We can no longer live in fear! Every human on this earth have only one fragile life and we all must protect it! "Now is not the time to discuss gun policy or gun control," they say, but when will it ever be a good time? When? In my opinion, we are ALL held responsible. All of us! Seriously, where were we when those violent past events occurred? When something happened we grieved for a day or two and moved on with our lives. Never even bother to discuss the issue of gun control. Deep down we knew this was a major issue that has been ignored too many times. It's all our fault, and now it's too late. Those young and innocent victims that died will never have the chance at life. Because of us, those innocent children who are alive are now victims that will now be traumatized to what happened. They will have nightmares following this horrific event. They will never forget this. This event will be a long lasting eternal memory printed on the brain. As of this day, all of us MUST make a compromising decision regarding gun control. As I discussed on Twitter, the word Compromise is NOT a bad word. It is, as a fictional character, an Alabama lawyer named Atticus Finch from the book, "To Kill A Mockingbird", a mutual agreement between two or more parties. This horrific, violent incident didn't have to happen, people. This could've been prevented. Those children and adults suffered horribly because of American citizens' stubbornness and pride, their refusal to admit the reality and truth, and keeping their eyes closed. During these horrific events that occurred, American citizens were lying to themselves instead of being honest. Guns bring some people feel powerful and superior, but in reality guns bring intimidation, fear, and evil. So called superior people who go and get guns to do evil are really inferior within themselves. Everything could've been prevented if we just compromised and talked about it.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Why Succession From The United States is NOT a Good Idea
Greeting Everyone,
As you know, there are several citizens of several states including my state, Alabama, want to secede from the United States. There are several different petitions formed by Republicans and Tea Party members on the White House web site.They formed these petitions because President Obama won the election (and they hate President Obama). For some that don't know what that means, I'll give you a definition. To secede means to withdraw formally from a membership in a country, union, or alliance. If these states in the U.S. secede, that means we will no longer be part of the United States. These states will not have any federal rights. If the state have a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or a tornato, FEMA will not be available to those who need help rebuilding their homes, replace items, etc. If you want to go to college for a better education, you can't get Financial Aid such as Pell Grants, Student Loans, etc. This is a bad thing because college tuition is on the rise. Please keep in mind people that there are more consequence than describe above. It's stupid to withdraw from the U.S. just because a person have a deep hatred for President Obama or hated the way the 2012 United States Election ended. It is NEVER a good idea to act out of anger. The biggest mistake that a person or people can do is let anger cloud intuitions and judgements. When people are angry they don't think clearly and they don't make good decisions. Many Republicans need to accept the fact the THE PEOPLE in America has spoken. Many states in the U.S can't afford to secede from the U.S because many states don't have all the resources that the human race need in order to survive, just like the United States alone doesn't have all the survival resources it needs for their citizens (U.S. citizens), that is why the United States continously trade with several different countries. Also, many states in the U.S. grow and make different things. Alabama, my state is an agricultural state. The small town of Saint Elmo, Alabama, where my father's family is from, grow a variety of crops such as cotton, corn, and wheat (I can't think of anything else). Every certain areas such as small towns in each state contribute to the entire United States of America. Also, people don't realize that Social Security checks comes from Federal money. People who have worked for years for their money will not be able to get their Social Security checks because they will no longer be part of the United States. Also, if you cross the border of another state that is part of the U.S. just so you can visit another person, whether a relative or friend, you will become an "undocumented person". And a state that has seceded have to create their own money and financial system and that will take a very long time. Whatever money that you currently have will be no good, because your state is no longer apart of the United States of America. So think clearly why you or your state want to secede from the United States. I myself want to be an American and part of the United States.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
While Hurricane Sandy make wave, think clearly about your vote in November 2012
Ok people I know Hurricane Sandy is headed to New York, New Jersey where Gov. Christie is at, and some more states. But this the thing that pisses me off, now, you all know for 4 years, since President Obama took office, those Republicans & Tea Party have been shoving an opinion in other people's face, chanting & singing, "We don't need Government to interfere with our lives." FEMA is part of the Government. They are going to need FEMA when their house gone! Mitt Romney is not going to do a damn thing. Don't forget what he said to a lady when she told him she lost her house during a hurricane. This is also another piece of evidence that Romney is really not for the people. If Mitt Romney treated this lady this way, imagine what Romney would do IF he became President (I stand with President Obama). If you stand with Mitt Romney, I want you to think with a clear mind and ask yourself are you sure you want Mitt Romney as your President of the United States of America because 4 years is really a long time. Also, please keep Mitt Romney track record in mind. Eventhough hurricane Sandy is a dangerous hurricane, it may also be a wakeup call. Citizens of America, the purpose of the United States Government is to protect and serve the citizens of the country.
Governor Chris Christie Discusses His Conversation with President Obama About Hurricane Sandy:
President Obama's statement about Hurricane Sandy:
This is Mitt Romney wanting to "Privatize" FEMA:
Governor Chris Christie Discusses His Conversation with President Obama About Hurricane Sandy:
President Obama's statement about Hurricane Sandy:
This is Mitt Romney wanting to "Privatize" FEMA:
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Mitt Romney on Education
Mitt Romney thinks classroom sizes in schools are not the problem, saying that he doesn't think smaller classrooms will solve anything. In my opinion, classroom sizes can be a problem because one teacher (with or without a paraprofessional) in a class of, oh, lets say 35 students only have a certain amount of time to do one on one help if the students have difficulty understanding and comprehending educational problems such as Math, Language Arts, and following certain directions. Also, not all students understand and comprehend at the same time and level. Different minds of students operate different. That one teacher (with or without a paraprofessional) can't focus all the attention on that one child for a whole or half day.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The First 2012 Presidential Debate Between Barack Obama & Mitt Romney
Well Democrats and Liberals, looks like Mitt Romney won the 1st debate. But don't let this disturb you all. All of you are forgetting that Mitt Romney is a what you call a "Business Man". Mitt Romney knows Psychology of Sales. He knows how to "charm" his way in when he wants something from people in return. Romney is also a con artist. Business men are the kind of people you need to watch out for. Also, Romney is not a "Small Business Man", the kind of business that you go to when you need something, no, Romney is a "Big Capital Business Man", the kind of business that come to you! Big Capital Businesses find out where you live, mail you letters and give you persuasive advertisements that sounds and looks good, sometimes too good to be true, to make you buy something until you give in and buy it. They keep on sweet talking in your ear until you cave in. So that's what Mitt Romney is doing, using his sales and business experience to con the United States American Citizens. Big Capital Business men will say anything to get that sale, even lie in your face!
Business Men will take advantage of you wants, needs, and prejudices.
Also, my mom advised me that when you think about it, President Obama was playing it smart the entire debate. President Obama stayed silent while Mitt Romney did all the talking. My mother said to me the more a person (President Obama) stays quiet and let another person (Mitt Romney) do all the talking, the more you and other people get to know that person (Mitt Romney) that is doing all the talking.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, I'm Sorry!
My Muslim brothers and sisters, please allow me as a United States American Citizen to apologize as an for what has happened. I am ashamed at the fact that this movie that was made by another United States American Citizen (I do not know his name) disrespected a sacred religion, a religion that should always be respected at all times. As a United States American Citizen, I believe that it is ignorant and un-Christian to disrespect and make fun of other religions around the world. If we, as United States Citizens refuse to realize and do not apologize for our wrong-doing, it would be considered arrogant of us. The video on YouTube, Innocence of Muslims, was absolutely disrespectful and offensive to me. Please let me tell you, my dear Muslim brothers and sisters, all of the United States American Citizens do not share the same opinions of the person who made the movie Innocence of Muslims. Lately, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution has been too far more abused (First Amendment of the United States Constitution include freedom of speech and religion). United States American Citizens should respect other religions and cultures, including Islam. While Muslims in other countries are upset and angry by the film, Innocence of Muslims, the United States American Muslims should be upset and angry as well. What I'm asking for, my Muslim brothers and sisters, is to please do not blame the enitre United States of America for something that one person, who is filled with hatred, bigotry, ignorance and immaturity has done. My Muslim brothers and sisters, please let me also tell you that what this person who made Innocence of Muslims did was not Christian religion behavior. People who follow the religion of Christianity do not make and poke fun at other people's religion and culture. True Christrians respect other cultures and languages and always stay away from violence. True Christians always welcome different kinds of people with open arms and do not have hate in their hearts. Now there are some United States American Citizens (some, not all) that just love to label themselves as Christians, but they do not act like Christians. True Christians do not brag about what they did or contributions they made. They love to brag how their hearts are made of gold, but in reality their hearts are made of stone. They love to brag and boast about how humble they are, but in reality they are just as arrogant as they want to be. And finally, they love to brag about how loving they are, but they spread hatred everywhere they go. They are people that pretend to be Christians, actually. My Muslim brothers and sisters, there is no justication for the movie that was made. So as an United States American Citizen, I'm sorry!
Monday, August 27, 2012
The Importance of Exercising Gun Control in the United States
Hello everyone, this just an entry about the importance of using gun control. After everything that has happened in Chicago, Illinois, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, Aurora, Colorado, and The Empire State Building, this issue can no longer be swept under the rug. Just go under this hyperlink below, then click on the hyperlink, "The Importance of Exercising Gun Control in the United States".
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Homosexuality in the United States: The 1950s
Hello everyone,
I came across a video on youtube.com about Homosexuality. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, people labeled homosexuality as an illness and anybody who was a homosexual was "mentally unstable" or "sick". These are all stereotypes. In my opinion, homosexuality is not a disease. Homosexuals are just regular people. We all have the same blood. We are all the same people. We are mentally stable. We all breathe the same air. It is OK to be you. This is your life and no one can tell you what to do with it. If you are secretly gay, bring it out. You'll be happier that you came out. You'll feel better about yourself. You can't go through life pretending to be another person. You will go through life happy. Its like a breath of fresh air because you will have gotten rid of a burden that has been inside you. Having a secret is like carrying a ton of heavy bricks on your back while walking, which is very painful and being bombarded and stranded with piles of clothes in a room can be frustrating. We are all beautiful people. GOD loves you regardless of who or what you are. As a matter of fact, gay rights should be classified as part of civil rights and they should have rights to marriage.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Is No Such Thing As Legitimate Rape!
There is no such thing as "legitimate rape". I don't like that creepy phrase, "legitimate rape", because it sounds like 'there's some justification of the sexual violence that happened to a woman or a girl'. Rape is a horrific way for someone to have power. Rape is humiliation. And there is no justification whatsoever for it.
Also, a woman's body doesn't have the ability to "block" semen from a rapist. Semen is able to go inside the female genitialia regardless.And the female body doesn't have spermicide. Whoever agrees with Todd Akins' statement is crazy. Women and girls can get pregnant from rapists. Not only women and girls can get pregnant, but they can also STDs and AIDs. Also, women should never be forced to keep a fetus in her belly until its birth time if she was forced or sexually violated by a total stranger or someone she knows against her will because she, the weaker sex, had no choice in the matter.
Rape is unpredictable, you never no when it's going to happen. When a women or a girl is raped, a part of innocence within is taken away. When a woman or a girl is raped, there are damages such as bruises, cuts, and other stuff on her body resulted from rape. So you see, there are two types of scars, physical scars, which heels at a certain amount of time, and emotional scars, scars that never heel, emotional scars are there forever. There is no beauty is the matter, only evilness and selfishness.
The male is stronger than the female and the female can't defend herself against the male. Later, Todd Akins tried to clear up on what he meant, but it doesn't matter anymore. It is clear that he doesn't have a clue about women. The Republican Men have no idea of how the female body works, they don't know. Most men think they know about the female body and emotions just because we as women have their rib inside us. Their will never ever be an understandable justification on sexual violence against women. NEVER!
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Story of Menstruation by Walt Disney
Hello My Sisters,
I wanted to share with you a video that I found on youtube, The Story of Menstruation created by Walt Disney during what you call "The Dark Ages". I think this video is very educational for young girls. However, this segment was banned, which is a shame. This segment should be shown on television. It shows how the female reproductive system works. I hope you enjoy this video. Bless the person whoever uploaded this video.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Voting Information: How to get a Photo ID in your state
Hello My Brothers and Sisters,
I did some research on how you can get a photo ID in order for you to vote in the United States. I've been watching TV and I see how those Republicans are trying to press hard to keep people from voting. BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME!!! DON'T LET THE REPUBLICANS WIN!!! The reason why the Republicans are trying to make things harder for people to vote is because they don't want President Obama to be re-elected. This is illegal my brothers and sisters. So tell your parents, friends who don't have computers and/or cell phones, and your grandparents the research I've looked up for you. I love you all. The first two links are info on how the Republicans are pushing voters suppression. The rest of the links are how to get a photo ID. If you have any questions for me on how to get a photo ID in your state you can reach me on Twitter: @simonewilliams3 or my email address: unityvoiceandpowerblog@yahoo.com or shauntawilliams32@gmail.com and give me your email address, the name of your city and state and a message and I will write back to you as soon as possible! (My twitter and email addresses works you guys but my email addresses don't have hyperlinks so you can't click on them on site, but you click on my twitter address on site)
When you register to vote, you will get something in the mail about something that says you are registered to vote. Always keep this piece of mail on you at all times when you get ready to vote.
Obama 2012!
Information on where to get Photo ID for Voting in the United States:
Information on Registering to Vote in the United States:
Deadlines for Registering to Vote
Your United States Voting Rights:
Rights of Foreigners to Vote in the United States:
I did some research on how you can get a photo ID in order for you to vote in the United States. I've been watching TV and I see how those Republicans are trying to press hard to keep people from voting. BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME!!! DON'T LET THE REPUBLICANS WIN!!! The reason why the Republicans are trying to make things harder for people to vote is because they don't want President Obama to be re-elected. This is illegal my brothers and sisters. So tell your parents, friends who don't have computers and/or cell phones, and your grandparents the research I've looked up for you. I love you all. The first two links are info on how the Republicans are pushing voters suppression. The rest of the links are how to get a photo ID. If you have any questions for me on how to get a photo ID in your state you can reach me on Twitter: @simonewilliams3 or my email address: unityvoiceandpowerblog@yahoo.com or shauntawilliams32@gmail.com and give me your email address, the name of your city and state and a message and I will write back to you as soon as possible! (My twitter and email addresses works you guys but my email addresses don't have hyperlinks so you can't click on them on site, but you click on my twitter address on site)
When you register to vote, you will get something in the mail about something that says you are registered to vote. Always keep this piece of mail on you at all times when you get ready to vote.
Obama 2012!
Information on where to get Photo ID for Voting in the United States:
Information on Registering to Vote in the United States:
Deadlines for Registering to Vote
Your United States Voting Rights:
Rights of Foreigners to Vote in the United States:
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Mitt Romney, United States Republican Presidential Candidate, A Man of Mystery
Hello Everybody,
So many questions! Where should I start? Let's see, I know everybody wants Mitt Romney to show his tax returns, BUT did he even file for or pay any taxes? I think that's the reason why he's so slow showing his tax returns. Why is his money in different countries and not in the United States? And did he give the correct home address to the banks where he has his money? Do the bank statements go to his house in the United States? Why isn't Mitt Romney answering any questions interviewers are giving him? Does he have more than one house? Did anybody interview anybody of Mitt Romney Campaign? Romney is rich! Did he pay any taxes or not? If he didn't, that's jail time. If he did pay taxes, when was the last time he payed any? I'm surprised the IRS isn't asking him questions or paying him a visit! Oh I almost forgot, why isn't a Republican Vice Presidential Candidate running with Mitt Romney?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Calling Out Mitt Romney: Republican Presidential Candidate
You know what, Mitt Romney, every time you are asked a question, you always ignore it and say you rather focus on the economy. The "economy" is so much more important than anything other issue or subject in your Campaign. You, Mitt Romney, use this as a defense mechanism, your "cop out". Mitt Romney you constantly say that you are "for the American people". Ok, Mr. Romney, let's focus on the economy. Mr.Romney you say you want to put the American people "back to work". In order to do that and be for the people, paying taxes is a must. You got to pay taxes in order for people to find work and get paid, and keep simple things such as streets and buildings (and other things) intact. But Mr.Romney, how are you going to be for the American people and you have money hid in different countries? Why? Is it because you don't want to pay taxes in the United States? If that's not true, please feel free to correct me & answer why is your money in different countries? It is not fair to the American people, Mr. Romney for you to get a free ride in the United States and everybody else who make far less than you have to struggle to pay their taxes in order to keep America intact. Mr. Romney, ever since you started your Presidential Campaign you haven't discussed HOW will you get the economy back in order, so that tells me and all of the American people that you have no plan whatsoever for the American economy. I hope some of the people in the United States are smart enough to see your true colors and your sick hidden agenda, Mr.Romney. Some of the people out there who are not smart enough to see your true dark colors are entirely too obsessed with the fact of getting President Barack Obama out of the White House, and you, Mr. Romney, are taking advantage of their prejudices and their hatred. There are people as of today that are homeless, just suffering and it saddens me. It breaks my heart. And don't you dare blame President Obama for all of the economic woes we as of today are going through, you, Mr. Romney know damn well all of this started George W. Bush was President. You, Mitt Romney, are a perpetrator and a phoney. You prey on the underpreviledge, the poor, and the unable. You care about no one but yourself, Mr. Romney. The signs are there. The writing is on the wall. But you are a smart man, Mr. Romney, I will give you that, in a sick and slick way. The fact that you have money in banks outside the United States and in other countries so you won't have to pay taxes proves that you don't care about people who are suffering, homeless, and unable. Right now you are playing a sick game with real people and their lives. So, Mr. Romney, I read that you earned $100,000,000 on your Presidential Campaign. So, what are you going to do with all that money, Mr. Romney? Are you going to stash it all away with the rest of your money in Luxembourg, Bermuda, and The Cayman Islands? What country in this globe are you going to use this to help you freeload in the United States of America this time, Mitt Romney?
Friday, June 29, 2012
Conservatives, Republicans, GOP and Tea Party Look In The Mirror Before You Start Judging!
Hello Everyone,
First of all I would like to say that my religion is Christianity. Second I would like to share my opinion about Muslims. Muslims are not terriorist or Muslim Extremists as the so called Good Conservative Christians of the United States of America put it. Muslims are just like regular people such as Doctors, Lawyers, Actors, Teachers, Police Officers, Fire People, Politicians, United States Politicians, and some are United States Army Soldiers. Some of the victims that died on 9/11 were also Muslims. I really think that the Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans, and GOP people of today of the United States of America need to look at the past histories of terrorism (Christian Extremists) towards other Americans that they have spread before they criticize and throw stones at other people who are a different religion or race. The Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans, and GOP people of today of the USA have absolutely no right whatsoever to spread the idea that Muslims are terriorist or extremists. The racism that some white people are putting out about Muslims is the same racism they said about African Americans 50 years ago. Racist white people that promoted hate in the United States have been terrorizing people of different races for years: the strict Jim Crow Laws, the murders, the church bombings, the bullying, the lynching of black men and women,and the tormenting, just because we're different, because some of the racist white people said that we are criminals, etc. And what about the abuse that we as African Americans have suffered at the hands of our white masters in the past such as the beatings of long painful whips, the raping of the African American women who were slaves? For years Christian Extremists such as the KKK and Skinheads who idolize Adolf Hitler have organized parades carrying signs promoting hate and using fear and intimidation tactics among different races. So the Tea Party, GOP, Republicans, Conservatives, and the racist white people from the past really need to look at themselves in the mirror before they call anyone a terrorist! Look, my point is all Muslims do not want to blow buildings up, there are Muslims in this world that express love and peace, as a matter of fact I love Muslims and everybody else, and not all Christians hate African Americans or any color that is different, there are Christians in America that express love and peace. Please spread the Peace, Love, and Harmony. My dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, when you see these sites, please let me tell that not all Christians behave this way. The photos in these sites that you will see is not Christian behavior, but the white people from the past (and some of them still have these opinions today) that behaved this way called themselves Christians. Christians are suppose to love and care for other people regardless of who or what they are, whether they are black, white, purple, green, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are catholic, jewish, or atheist, whether they are lovable or full of hatred.
My dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, peace and love be with you all.
Below are several websites Christian Extremists' own past history:
First of all I would like to say that my religion is Christianity. Second I would like to share my opinion about Muslims. Muslims are not terriorist or Muslim Extremists as the so called Good Conservative Christians of the United States of America put it. Muslims are just like regular people such as Doctors, Lawyers, Actors, Teachers, Police Officers, Fire People, Politicians, United States Politicians, and some are United States Army Soldiers. Some of the victims that died on 9/11 were also Muslims. I really think that the Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans, and GOP people of today of the United States of America need to look at the past histories of terrorism (Christian Extremists) towards other Americans that they have spread before they criticize and throw stones at other people who are a different religion or race. The Tea Party, Conservatives, Republicans, and GOP people of today of the USA have absolutely no right whatsoever to spread the idea that Muslims are terriorist or extremists. The racism that some white people are putting out about Muslims is the same racism they said about African Americans 50 years ago. Racist white people that promoted hate in the United States have been terrorizing people of different races for years: the strict Jim Crow Laws, the murders, the church bombings, the bullying, the lynching of black men and women,and the tormenting, just because we're different, because some of the racist white people said that we are criminals, etc. And what about the abuse that we as African Americans have suffered at the hands of our white masters in the past such as the beatings of long painful whips, the raping of the African American women who were slaves? For years Christian Extremists such as the KKK and Skinheads who idolize Adolf Hitler have organized parades carrying signs promoting hate and using fear and intimidation tactics among different races. So the Tea Party, GOP, Republicans, Conservatives, and the racist white people from the past really need to look at themselves in the mirror before they call anyone a terrorist! Look, my point is all Muslims do not want to blow buildings up, there are Muslims in this world that express love and peace, as a matter of fact I love Muslims and everybody else, and not all Christians hate African Americans or any color that is different, there are Christians in America that express love and peace. Please spread the Peace, Love, and Harmony. My dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, when you see these sites, please let me tell that not all Christians behave this way. The photos in these sites that you will see is not Christian behavior, but the white people from the past (and some of them still have these opinions today) that behaved this way called themselves Christians. Christians are suppose to love and care for other people regardless of who or what they are, whether they are black, white, purple, green, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are catholic, jewish, or atheist, whether they are lovable or full of hatred.
My dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, peace and love be with you all.
Below are several websites Christian Extremists' own past history:
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sorry My Soul, Dignity, and Self-Respect Is Not For Sale!
Hello Everyone,
This blog entry is in response of an article I read in the Huffington Post. I just want to say that I'm disappointed that some of the African American Brothers and Sisters choose to stand with the Tea Party Movement and go on the FOX NEWS CHANNEL to explain their justifications for their choices. The TP Movement is doing their best to cover up their racism by promoting the fact that they don't except or condon any kind of disrespect of President Barack Obama and/or all the United States Representatives. I know that United States of America is a independent free country, but stupidity has a limit. It is bad enough that the Tea Party Movement is too ignorant to realize and understand that the soul purpose of our President Barack Obama and United States Government is to help it's citizens. It's another bad thing is when some African Americans get hypmotized and dupped into helping the TP Movement tell lies such as, "The Tea Party is not racists!" I'll be so happy when some of the African Americans snap out of the voodoo spell that the TP Movement put on them and come to a reality. African Americans like Deneen Borelli don't understand that the Tea Party is temporarly using her until the don't need her anymore (just like the GOP did with Micheal Steele).Deneen, please keep in mind about some of those signs that says 'Obama Go Back To Kenya', racist white people use to say that to a lot to African Americans 60 years ago.
This photo below belongs to www.engineerofknowledge.blogspot.com
This photo below belongs to www.brotherpeacemaker.wordpress.com
This photo below belongs to www.frieson3.wordpress.com
This photo below belongs to www.gawker.com
This photo below belongs to www.jezebel.com
This photo below belongs to www.littlegreenfootballs.com
This photo below belongs to www.politicalmonkey2010.wordpress.com
This photo below belongs to www.viewsacrossthepond.wordpress.com
This blog entry is in response of an article I read in the Huffington Post. I just want to say that I'm disappointed that some of the African American Brothers and Sisters choose to stand with the Tea Party Movement and go on the FOX NEWS CHANNEL to explain their justifications for their choices. The TP Movement is doing their best to cover up their racism by promoting the fact that they don't except or condon any kind of disrespect of President Barack Obama and/or all the United States Representatives. I know that United States of America is a independent free country, but stupidity has a limit. It is bad enough that the Tea Party Movement is too ignorant to realize and understand that the soul purpose of our President Barack Obama and United States Government is to help it's citizens. It's another bad thing is when some African Americans get hypmotized and dupped into helping the TP Movement tell lies such as, "The Tea Party is not racists!" I'll be so happy when some of the African Americans snap out of the voodoo spell that the TP Movement put on them and come to a reality. African Americans like Deneen Borelli don't understand that the Tea Party is temporarly using her until the don't need her anymore (just like the GOP did with Micheal Steele).Deneen, please keep in mind about some of those signs that says 'Obama Go Back To Kenya', racist white people use to say that to a lot to African Americans 60 years ago.
This photo below belongs to www.engineerofknowledge.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Condom Distribution To High School Students
This blog entry is about the Huffington Post article about distributing condoms in high schools. I personally though my opinion would be an influence on this controversy. I think it is very appropriate on many different levels to distribute condoms to students not only on prom night but everyday; not only in high schools, but also in middle schools as well. Middle School students are out of control today. I understand this is a taboo subject but this needs to be addressed and discussed by students, parents, teachers, school administrators and school board officials because we as human beings are dealing with precious real lives and we all know that decisions have lifetime consequences. Correct choices must be made. The decisions that seem minor and less important can bite people in the butt in the future. Today Preteens and Teens are making adult decisions. Condom distributing by schools helps provide preteens and teenagers safety from STDs that people face a lifetime dealing with. Today STDs and AIDS humiliate, mutilate, and KILL! Many past preteens and teenagers have endured lifetime pain over a night of passion and pleasure because adults who guide over them neglected to talk to them. Retelling the myth, "If adults give their preteens and teenagers condoms to use, they'll run out and have sex," would be encouraging stupidity. People that follow this myth are blind to what is going on around them and the real world. We as people can't afford to go back into the 1950s. In the 1950s there were only a few diseases. But today, in 2012, the are many kinds of diseases. The reason for the schools giving out condoms is to help students learn to choose life and protect themselves and help them to think about the future. High Schools and Middle Schools are suppose to be part of institutions of learning, so teachers, school administrators, and school officials, be part of your students lives and teach them make the right decisions and teach them that their bodies are temples that need care.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Treason: President Obama's Accuser At the Mitt Romney Townhall Meeting
Treason: The betraying of a trust; the crime of trying or helping to overthrow the government of one's country or cause its defeat in war.
On May 7, 2012 at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting, a African American female said in her words that shocked me that President Obama should be tried for treason. A question went through my head, "Do this lady even know what the word treason means? This is a serious accusation." If she is going to make a comment like that, the she need to have evidence and points in order to back that accusation. For a few minutes I did some soul searching and backtracked through the years in what ways did President Barack Obama betray the United States of America. I didn't find any ways, didn't come up with anything. In what way did President Obama betray the government of the United States of America? Once again, I didn't find anything. My mother always told me what you say regarding things can make or break you. Also, my mother always said you should think before you speak and know what you're talking about. In my opinion what this lady said at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting was ignorant and disgraceful. Eversince Barack Obama has been President of the United States, he, along with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, has helped everyone regarding health, finance, the war, and education. So the lady that said that comment about President Obama should be tried for treason didn't know the meaning of the word treason, so she made an uneducated comment. President Obama has done a wonderful job in his position at the White House. Also, President Obama knows what it is like have very little money. So this lady at the townhall meeting should have enough education to know that the Republicans, the GOP, and the Tea Party Movement will say and do anything to get Barack Obama out of the White House. And we as Americans are so blessed to have Barack Obama as President of The United States of America. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA HAS NEVER NEVER BETRAYED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!
On May 7, 2012 at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting, a African American female said in her words that shocked me that President Obama should be tried for treason. A question went through my head, "Do this lady even know what the word treason means? This is a serious accusation." If she is going to make a comment like that, the she need to have evidence and points in order to back that accusation. For a few minutes I did some soul searching and backtracked through the years in what ways did President Barack Obama betray the United States of America. I didn't find any ways, didn't come up with anything. In what way did President Obama betray the government of the United States of America? Once again, I didn't find anything. My mother always told me what you say regarding things can make or break you. Also, my mother always said you should think before you speak and know what you're talking about. In my opinion what this lady said at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting was ignorant and disgraceful. Eversince Barack Obama has been President of the United States, he, along with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, has helped everyone regarding health, finance, the war, and education. So the lady that said that comment about President Obama should be tried for treason didn't know the meaning of the word treason, so she made an uneducated comment. President Obama has done a wonderful job in his position at the White House. Also, President Obama knows what it is like have very little money. So this lady at the townhall meeting should have enough education to know that the Republicans, the GOP, and the Tea Party Movement will say and do anything to get Barack Obama out of the White House. And we as Americans are so blessed to have Barack Obama as President of The United States of America. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA HAS NEVER NEVER BETRAYED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
What some people may not understand about high gas prices
Hello my Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are doing ok, today we're going to do proportions in Mathematics like we did in elementary school. Ok some people may or may not understand about the what high gas prices are
REALLY doing to people in America:
You can either pick Regular, Plus, or SuperUnleaded, it doesn't matter.
1. What if gas cost $2.92 per gallon:
Create the formula: $2.92 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in you car, you would've bought
6.85 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
2.92 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 6.85 gallon
(the 6.85 is rounded)
2. Now, what if gas goes up from $2.92 to cost $3.50 per gallon:
Create the formula: $3.50 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in your car, you would've bought
5.71 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
3.50 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 5.71 gallon
(the 5.71 is rounded)
3. Now, what if gas goes up from $3.50 to cost $4.20 per gallon:
Create the formula: 4.20 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in your car, you would've bought
4.76 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
4.20 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 4.76 gallon
(the 4.76 is rounded)
As you can see, as the price of gas goes up, your gallons of gas goes down.
This causes you to go back to the gas station constantly, buying more and more gas no matter how much money put you in your tank. I hope this helped all of you. Also, everytime gas prices go up, everything goes up.
Also, please let me tell you that President Obama is not responsible for the gas prices going up. As a matter of fact, no U.S. President is responsible for the gas prices going up.
Peace and Love to you all.
REALLY doing to people in America:
You can either pick Regular, Plus, or SuperUnleaded, it doesn't matter.
1. What if gas cost $2.92 per gallon:
Create the formula: $2.92 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in you car, you would've bought
6.85 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
2.92 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 6.85 gallon
(the 6.85 is rounded)
2. Now, what if gas goes up from $2.92 to cost $3.50 per gallon:
Create the formula: $3.50 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in your car, you would've bought
5.71 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
3.50 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 5.71 gallon
(the 5.71 is rounded)
3. Now, what if gas goes up from $3.50 to cost $4.20 per gallon:
Create the formula: 4.20 = 1 gallon
If you put $20.00 worth of gas in your car, you would've bought
4.76 gal of gas.
Do the proportion:
4.20 = 1 gallon
20.00 = 4.76 gallon
(the 4.76 is rounded)
As you can see, as the price of gas goes up, your gallons of gas goes down.
This causes you to go back to the gas station constantly, buying more and more gas no matter how much money put you in your tank. I hope this helped all of you. Also, everytime gas prices go up, everything goes up.
Also, please let me tell you that President Obama is not responsible for the gas prices going up. As a matter of fact, no U.S. President is responsible for the gas prices going up.
Peace and Love to you all.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Analyzing Politics-Republicans and Democrats
There are some things I don't understand when it comes to politics. I know the subject can be dangerous. For example, why do the middle and poor class vote "Republican" when they should really be voting "Democrat"? They are not rich, they are working class, and they don't make a lot of money. They don't have big houses and several cars. They are stuggling, living from paycheck to paycheck, and some are not enjoying the fruit of their labor. Now, the "rich" Republicans have a lot more education, money and power. The rich Republicans take advantage of the poor and middle class Republicans because some of them don't have a lot of education, and as I said before, they don't have a lot of money, and they don't have power, but what they do have are prejudices. Some middle class Republicans are also close-minded (they are not very open to the world). The rich Republicans are very well aware of these prejudices that the poor and middle class Republicans have and they use them to their advantage to get ahead. Republican candidates like Michelle Bachmann (who recently suspended her campaign), Herman Cain (who also suspended his campaign), Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Jon Huntsman are RICH AND MORE EDUCATED. They have absolutely nothing to worry about. Their lives are set and well off. They take advantage of the middle and poor class Republicans' prejudices. They don't care about the middle and poor class people, they only care about themselves. They never discuss important issues like education in the United States, and the environment in the United States, etc. They have been talking about immigration and government spending. The reason why they've been discussing government spending several times is because they don't want to pay taxes in order to help the middle and poor class people who are struggling to get by. The rich Republicans didn't grow up being middle or poor class citizens of the United States. They never had to struggle. They don't know what it feels like to struggle. They don't know what it feels like to be fired or laid off of a job. Those rich Republicans have been rich all their lives. So therefore they can't relate to the middle and poor class United States citizen of today. So I ask again, why on earth do some of the middle and poor class vote "Republican" when they really should be voting "Democrat"? I'm a Democrat because I'm a working class United States citizen, I don't make a lot of money, and I care about the middle and poor class of the United States. I haven't never been rich all my life. I know what it is like to be broke! And I do care about the immigrants who want to make it in America.
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