Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Treason: President Obama's Accuser At the Mitt Romney Townhall Meeting

Treason: The betraying of a trust; the crime of trying or helping to overthrow the government of one's country or cause its defeat in war.

On May 7, 2012 at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting, a African American female said in her words that shocked me that President Obama should be tried for treason. A question went through my head, "Do this lady even know what the word treason means? This is a serious accusation." If she is going to make a comment like that, the she need to have evidence and points in order to back that accusation. For a few minutes I did some soul searching and backtracked through the years in what ways did President Barack Obama betray the United States of America. I didn't find any ways, didn't come up with anything. In what way did President Obama betray the government of the United States of America? Once again, I didn't find anything. My mother always told me what you say regarding things can make or break you. Also, my mother always said you should think before you speak and know what you're talking about. In my opinion what this lady said at the Mitt Romney townhall meeting was ignorant and disgraceful. Eversince Barack Obama has been President of the United States, he, along with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, has helped everyone regarding health, finance, the war, and education. So the lady that said that comment about President Obama should be tried for treason didn't know the meaning of the word treason, so she made an uneducated comment. President Obama has done a wonderful job in his position at the White House. Also, President Obama knows what it is like have very little money. So this lady at the townhall meeting should have enough education to know that the Republicans, the GOP, and the Tea Party Movement will say and do anything to get Barack Obama out of the White House. And we as Americans are so blessed to have Barack Obama as President of The United States of America. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA HAS NEVER NEVER BETRAYED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!


  1. Well done!

    you say it, go on now!

  2. Obama has betrayed his oath of office and should be impeached. As an example, he started an illegal war in Libya.

    The POTUS does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally order our military to war. No treaty (i.e.: our membership in the UN and a subsequent UN sanction) does not supersede the Constitution. President Obama, you may recall, swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution (not NATO).

    This is only one of Obama's betrayals:

    Would you like to know more?

    1. sad but true... the NDRP and HR347 are also of concern to me. Just the fact that very very little has been done to prosecute those responsible for the 2008 crash and Obama being so hard lined with immigration (more so than any other President) makes me question the validity of his statements. He said he was going to veto the NDAA and then his administration pushed for some of the scariest parts of it. How can I trust him anymore?
