Monday, December 23, 2013

My Thoughts About Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

Greetings Everyone,

I've been thinking about this situation about that guy from Duck Dynasty. Phil Robertson has no business calling anyone a swindlers or an adulterer because he is not a perfect person himself. Phil Robertson is not fit to pass judgment on any human being in this world. There are people who are straight that are swindlers and adulterers. Some (not all) people who are married go out and cheat on their spouses. There are some people like Phil Robertson who been around certain same kinds of other people all their lives that they don't understand the difference between right and wrong. In my opinion, Phil Robertson has not been around different kinds of people from all over the world, he has been around the same people all his life. There are a lot of people in this world that have the common sense not to say offensive things that can be heard by other people because they know what it could lead to. There are some Republicans out there who know not to say offensive things about people where it can be heard. Ignorance grows and passes from generation to generation. Some people can be offensive and insensitive so long in their lives they don't realize when they are offending other people. Phil Robertson is very close-minded and don't understand the philosophies, ideas, and opinions from different people of the world has changed over the years during his existence on earth. In reality, people come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and all of them came to earth with hearts beating of various emotions. Bigotry is unacceptable. For years, bigotry has not made any accomplishments in this world.If anyone believes in Phil Robertson's bigotry, they are just as ignorant and close minded as he is. There are some people in this country who are really racists and homophobic but they don't like to admit it because they don't to be labeled with ugly words such as a "racist" or a "bigot" because those words don't sound good. Now some people just love to label themselves as  "GOD-fearing" and "Christians" because those labels are as sweet as honey on their tongue. But those same people who love to label themselves with those sweet words are not as GOD-fearing and Christian-like as they say they are. Those same people who label themselves as Christians can be the same people who will show hatred toward other people who are different from them in a heartbeat simply because they don't understand the people who are different. People who are GOD-fearing and Christian like are suppose to express compassion and respect for all people regardless of who they are. People who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual are normal regular people. They have the same body organs and they have the same red blood as straight people have.

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