Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hypocrisy of the Republican Party And The So-Called "Birthers" Of The United States

Hello Everyone,

There are some random thoughts going through my mind. I hope you agree with these following thoughts. Ted Cruz is a USA Presidential Candidate for the 2016 term. But I just realized that Ted Cruz wasn't born in the United States. According to sources, including Wikipedia, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. According to the United States Constitution, in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, one must be born in the United States of America in order to be President Of The United States of America. Now, there are many people who may say that Wikipedia may be untruthful or people can go on Wikipedia and make up things, but in order to prove their honesty, people of Wikipedia place citation sources below the pages that proves their statements and claims. Now, about the so-called "birthers". The reason why I spelled birthers with a lower case b is because they are nothing more than a bunch of pathetic racists hypocrites. In other words, they (the birthers) are nothing. The birthers in the United States wanted to impeach Democrat President Obama because they accused him of not being born in the United States (even though President Obama was in fact born in the United States and is an American citizen). Now that Republican Ted Cruz is a candidate for the Republican Primaries for 2016 Presidential Election, those birthers are nowhere to be heard nor found.

Information On Ted Cruz




Qualifications On Becoming the United States President



Birthers on President Obama Citizenship 


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