Saturday, December 10, 2011

Alabama Education Code of Ethics

This entry is about my opinion about the new Alabama Code of Ethics regarding education:
Parents and students giving gifts to teachers is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude by saying "thank you" for all your hard work, dedication, and services because it takes a lot of courage and it takes a wonderful person to love this field of work knowing how hard it is. It also show that there are some people out in the world that actually care about children and their education. Some teacher's go out there way to help parents as well. Teaching is a hard work, it's not a regular 9 to 5 job. A teacher's job last day and night, 24 hours, 7 days a week, it never ends.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Arrest of the Occupying Protestors

I think it was wrong to arrest the Wall Street Occupiers because, after all, they were on public property. They were not tresspassing. As long as they didn't have any alcohol or weapons on the park the Occupiers were fine. So how can the police ask people to leave public property? The Occupiers have every right to be there. In a conversation with my mother, she asked, "When does the park stop become property of the public?" If it is maintained by public dollars and if the public is assembled in an orderly fashion and no laws are being broken when does public property cease(stop) to become property of the public? Or are they just words being thrown around? Or are these just words that are used for political grandstanding? The Wall Street protestors' rights were violated when they were arrested. The Wall Street protestors were arrested because of the financial inconvience. Occupiers, please don't stop protesting!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My African American Brothers and Sisters, just because Herman Cain look like us, that doesn't mean he's for us!

My brothers and sisters, as you well know, when you look at the news, Herman Cain is steady climbing is way up as Republican Candidate for President of the United States of America. My brothers and sisters, please be alert:
Republicans think that Black people who are mad at Obama will vote for Herman Cain the Republican because he is black! Black People Beware! Republicans want Herman Cain to run for President because they are trying to split the Black Vote. Black People Beware! Even though Herman Cain is black he is still a Republican! Republicans go for the big corporations, they are after one thing, and that is money! Republicans don't care about the people! They don't give a damn whether you live or die! As one of my family members say, just because he look like us DON'T mean he's for us! Black People Beware! Herman Cain the Republican is being used by other Republicans!!!! Black people Beware!! I'm still voting for Barack Obama!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Occupy Wall Street has influenced the entire country of America to revolt. People are angry and has had enough! And the people know what the problem is: Those Republicans that are in Congress. Those same Republicans that promised that there will be jobs for everyone in the future. The Republicans are instead getting richer by the day while regular middle class people struggle and work harder for more money to keep their bills in order.
But eversince the Republicans got in that White House they have accomplished absolutely nothing. Today,as of right now, every second in America, someone is losing their house, someone is losing their job, losing jobs that affects the well being of other American citizens such as a police officer (the safety of people is in trouble everytime a police officer lose his or her job), a teacher (children's education is affected everytime a teacher lose their job), a fireman (families who do have homes are at risk of not being saved everytime firefighters lose their job). People, revolt against the rich people who refuse to pay taxes to order to keep the real America (The Crime Fighter, the Firefighters, the Educators, the Doctors, and the middle class) going.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cornel West is a Traitor.

Today I was watching MSNBC on YouTube with Martin Bashir with his guest Cornel West. I was in shock to hear West recent comments on President Barack Obama saying, "President Obama has no backbone." Cornel West calls himself an activist but I haven't seen him participate in anything (if he did participate in something, please feel free to correct me). Also, West said he would like to see another Democrat run for President in 2012. If West don't like the job that President Obama is doing, then why don't West run for President himself? Why isn't Cornel West willing to quit his current job, put his life on the line 24/7 and go to the White House? Cornel West has also criticized Reverend Al Sharpton on MSNBC. President Obama has proven that action speak louder than words. President Obama was and still is willing to get up and solve the problems going on around the United States and put his life on the line everyday because he didn't like the issues the were damaging American Citizens. Someone should tell Cornel West that jealously is an ugly rotten thing. Personally I don't like the division that Cornel West is creating because everytime he opens his mouth, chaos and negativity is made with the Black Community. It is always said that whatever comes out of your mouth can make or break you, influence, destroy, and divide others. Cornel West doesn't realize that the Republicans and Tea Party Movement are thriving on this backbiting he is doing. The Tea Party and the Republican Party depends on this kind of ignorance to cause confusion, division, and negativity on the Democratic Party and Liberals. Cornel West is keeping the Black Community from moving forward and keeping other people from coming together as one and leading us astray.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Makes Me Wonder: The Ordeal of the East Coast United States

First of all, I just want to say that I'm sorry about what happened in the East Coast of the United States. First they face an earthquake, second, Hurricane Irene. My heart and prayers go out to them. And what I'm about to say may sound insensitive of me. I have a question, a couple actually: Are the victims in the East Coast who been through this ordeal the same people who have went through a rage of emotions, formed and joined the Tea Party Movement, protested against "Big Government" and called President Obama all kinds of insults? Are these victims in the East Coast who have been through this ordeal the same people who created signs insulting President Obama, marched up and down, east and west, left and right on the White House Lawn, booing, cursing, and raising hell, simply because all President Obama was trying to do was change the way the Govenment operates? President Obama is trying to change the Government for the better protection for the people! The people who are apart of the Tea Party Movement should REALLY need to think before they react because they never know what is going to happen in the future. The Tea Party Movement ridiculed all the Democrats and praised insurance companies, which, in my opinion, won't be with their customers for long because of what went on in the East Coast. Everytime a disaster happens, insurance companies drop their customers' when insurance companies are needed the most. Also, isn't FEMA organization part of the Government? In my opinion, we, as United States citizens, all need FEMA, because I said before, you never know what will happen in the future. Those same people who formed and joined the Tea Party Movement are the same people who are right now walking and swimming through water that has been part of the flood in the East Coast. Those same people who joined the movement are right now watching their home fall apart with trees fallen and bent over in their yards. Different wildlife animals includes snakes and water moccasins going through the houses and everywhere else on the East Coast in the United States. Those same people that joined the Tea Party Movement and said they didn't need "Big Government" are right now at this moment sitting outside, suffering through the heat and humidity without power, sweating, smelling wishing for the comfort of an air conditioner. Those same people who joined the Tea Party movement are right now at this moment catching hell driving through open cracked roads and at home protecting themselves from danger from the earthquake. The same people that joined the Tea Party Movement didn't know if they were going to live or die! And if they did live through the ordeal they faced, who was going help them deal with the aftermath? Now keep in mind that those same people who joined the Tea Party Movement in the East Coast didn't want "Big Government". Who was going to help them pick up the pieces to go on with their lives? Who was going to help them start over? This Tea Party Movement is so stupid!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Herman Cain may have put band-aids on the wounds, but his words will be a plague of dark scars forever!

I know he apologized, but I'm not going to let my guard down. Herman Cain calls himself an American, are you kidding me? This man totally disrespected the American Muslim community and that bothers me. I think the only reason why he is apologizing is because he need everyones vote and support.Deep down he knows that the Muslim community is apart of America. All apologies are not true. Some apologies are fake. Hermain Cain sounds like an average bigot. Cain may have apologized for his comments about Muslims to the Muslim community, but they'll NEVER be forgotten. Cain may have put a bandaid on the part that is scarred and wounded in order to keep it from being infected, but that dark mark where the scar and wound healed will be there forever as a rememberance of how it hurt the first time. That dark scar and wound that healed will never be forgotten. Hermain Cain knew good and well what he was planning to say and he knew what his intentions were before he became public with all this. He knew what he wanted to say before he decided to become a Republican Candidate for President of the United States. He is a grown man, not a child! Children do things out of line when they haven't been taught about something specific not just yet but will be taught the difference between right and wrong when parents discipline them. But again this is a grown man we're talking about. Hermain Cain knew better, so there is no excuse whatsoever. Now, Hermain Cain claims to be a "United States Constitution man". In my opinion, he can't be a United States Constitutional man and say he support the residents of Mumfeesboro, Tennessee when they say they don't want a mosque built in their town. I support the Muslim Americans and according to the United States Constitution, people in the United States have freedom of religion, which means Muslims are Americans also and have every right to build mosques anywhere and any place they want to. The United States of America is a free country! Also, Hermain Cain said he would not hire a Muslim in his cabinet. Hermain Cain is an ignorant man because everyone knows that this is called discrimination. You can't live in the United States of America and not know the fact that not hiring a person because of their religion or skin color is against the law and the United States Constitution. But what really makes me sick on the stomach is that these people in Mumfeesboro, Tennesse that are filled with hatred in their hearts have the nerve to call Muslims Americans terriorist (and I do not like saying that word), but it was the Muslim American who suffered a great deal of tragedy when their mosque was destroyed by the same hateful people who call Muslim Americans hurtful names. Those hateful residents in Mumfeesboro, Tennessee are hyprocrites and I hope those hateful residents of that town don't consider themselves as Christians, because Christians are suppose to be loving, kind, tolerant, and patient. Christians are also suppose to respect other people's culture. Muslim Americans are human beings too and have rights in the United States as well. I love you my Muslim brothers and sisters!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The White Majority Of The United States Has Forgotten They Too Used To Be Immigrants!

Hello Everyone,

As an Mississippian-Alabamian I'm ashamed and disgusted by a lady (also from Alabama) who complained about the advertising billboard sign because it was in the Spanish language. People who share the same views as this lady are ignorant to the fact that their city is progressing and changing. People who share the same views as this lady are ignorant to the fact that this city is increasing in cultural diversity. The rant that this lady displayed is an embarrassment to the state of Alabama. Numerous cities around the United States of America have foreign language signs everyday and everywhere. People who share the same views as this lady doesn't understand that is a public billboard and United States is a free country and people as well as organizations have the right to display foreign language advertisements to expand their clientele. This lady has literally insulted the Latino/Hispanic Community on television. I also notice some of the comments below as I read this article. I'm so sick and tired of some of the white majority brag about their American status, as if they have one rich culture and they all came from America. Truthfully, the United States is combined with a variety of cultures from several different countries around the globe. Honestly, if it weren't for the white immigrants of the past who came to America from countries such as Ireland, Poland, Greenland, Iceland, Germany, Norway, Austria, France, and England, the white majority of the United States of America wouldn't have an "American" status to brag about. And please, let us not forget some of these white immigrants in the past didn't know any kind of English whatsoever. Some, not all, of the white majority in America have forgotten the fact a long time ago, they too used to be immigrants from different countries in search of a better way of life. The immigrants of the past have done what the immigrants of the present are doing today: trying to pursue a better way of life. I will say this once again: All of us are immigrants of the United States, the only true citizens in America are the Native Americans. Some, not all, of the white majority have grown to be so wrapped up in their privilege lifestyle that they forgotten what it was like. Some, not all, of the white majority have forgotten what it was like not being able to communicate with other people of different languages. Some, not all, of the white majority have forgotten what it was like to leave a country because they were unhappy with the limited opportunities and lack of freedom and money. They forgotten what it was like to need help in a time of need when they had nothing. That is why it sickens me that states such as Arizona, Florida, Alabama and more states to come have insulted their ancestors who in the past were in the same exact shoes as immigrants of today by coming up with their own version of what they think immigration should be by passing out these laws that contains racial profiling and injustice. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist. I love all people of different races and cultures. I'm just saying that some, not all of the white majority have forgotten where they truly came from. The white majority of the United States who are descendants of immigrants (some foreign language immigrants) from hundreds of years ago used to be in the same place as the immigrants who exist in the United States today.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hypocrisy of American Society: LGBT Matrimony

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the subject of gay marriage. I recently heard the state of New York just passed a law accepting gay marriage. Some American citizens say that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman that should last a life time and should never be broken. But in reality, a lot of heterosexual people who say these things often take the sacred union bond for granted. The rate of divorce within heterosexuals is an alltime high. Also, some (not all) heterosexuals go into marriage for convience instead of love(and all people should marry for the reason of true love). Some (not all) heterosexuals in America have been married up to four times within their lives. The same people (not all people)that say marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman are the same ones that don't take marriage seriously. Some(not all)heterosexuals do not take their marriage vows seriously and lie in front of the ministers and preachers. How can some people say that marriage is a "sacred bond between a man and a woman" when some people are cheating on their spouses behind their backs? Is marriage really as "sacred" as those same people say it is? Those same people say that marriage is "sacred" in front of other people because it's convient for them (to look good).

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sarah Palin at it again!

As I was watching CNN Sunday evening on 5/29/2011, Sarah Palin was on another one of her celebrity gatherings. I'm so sick and tired of her playing pretend-debating-on-presidential-candidate descision making. She is just enjoying herself with all this attention making money! Because of all these charades she's doing in order to keep her celebrity status, she should not be taken seriously. The United States are dealing with real life and death issues affecting people. We as a country can't afford to trust our lives in the hands of a pretender who likes to be a little girl and dreams to be a little princess in a fairy tale castle! These are real people we are dealing with here! And Sarah Palin is not taking her title (what ever the hell she calls herself)seriously. There is entirely too much going on in the United States for Sarah Palin's silliness. There are people around the country who have lost their homes dealing with tornadoes while Sarah Palin is trying to get attention and signing autographs. She is not taking the lives of American citizens seriously and she doesn't care about anybody but herself. Sarah Palin is a sick joke to the United States of America. This is all entertainment to her! If she cares about the American citizens, why doesn't she visit who have been through turmoil?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Newt Gringrich's comment on President Obama

What Gingrich said was very racist and disrespectful! Once again, a republican is using racial slurs and bashing comments to slam President Obama in order to win the Presidency. There is no justification whatsoever to Gingrich call President Obama the "Food Stamp President". So what is
Gingrich saying exactly? That all black people are on food stamps and welfare? Or am I taking it out of context. When it comes to Gingrich it is all about money and power! He is not talking about the issues that is going on within the United States, he is just telling people what they want to hear! It's like he is a hype man for a rap group!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We all know that Obama Got Osama!

Congradulations to Barack Obama!!! He got the job done! President Obama promised he was going to do and he did it! He told the navy to go over there and take him out! Did you see that walk when he (Obama) came up to the mic? Eventhough he made this accomplishment, there are some people that still refuse to give Obama props. Hell even Rush Limbaugh gave him his props (I'm still trying to pinch myself and make sure I'm not dreaming for that one). But that damn Sarah Palin, hell no!!! That chick just refuse to see reality! She had the nerve to thank Bush for whatever reason. People, we all know that it was President Obama, the Commander In Chief, that set the command. Sarah Palin, George W. Bush is not President anymore, ok? Bush doesn't have the power to set any commands anymore!
Bush didn't do anything during the time he was in office. If Bush did come up with something in terms of taking care of Bin Laden, it sure as hell didn't work at all! Sarah Palin, you know damn well President Obama is the man!

Limbaugh on Obama:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blackmail Tatics of the Republican Congress in the White House

Hello People,

There is something I notice about the Republican Congress at the White House. It's like, in order for a child to get what he or she wants, they'll do anything to get their way. I notice that the Republicans are constantly putting blackmail and scare tactics on the Obama Administration in order to get what they want no matter who get hurt in the way. For some reason, these tactics are starting to work in some way. Eversince they got into the White House, these Republicans have been playing games with American citizens' lives. Hopefully some day President Obama and the rest of the Democrats in the White House will catch on to the Republicans' mind games and choose to stand on their ground. I've already started counting the tactics Republicans came up.

List of tactics by the Republicans of the White House:

(1) Republicans threatened to disapprove, turn down, and block every legislation and idea that President Obama and the rest of the Democrats come up with if President Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts.

(2) Republicans threatened to shut down the government if Democrats didn't
agree with Republicans on cutting and spending.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Government Shutdown of 2011

This government shutdown is the Republicans fault! I say this simply because the Republicans want to have everything their way! These Republicans just refuse to work with President Obama and they don't want to compromise (this is a nasty word to the Republicans). Once again the Republicans in the White House are playing with people's lives who are suffering to live their American Dream. Some people that was cheering this "Government Shutdown" will not be cheering for long when they won't be able to get paid nor pay their bills. I don't think you guys understand, Republicans don't want with President Obama. The Republicans primary motive is for Obama to be out of the White House! Republicans want President Obama to fail! Every deal that the Democrats put on the table has been turned down by the Republicans. If I was President Obama I would stand my ground because the Republicans want control of EVERYTHING! The Republicans don't care about the people! If the Republicans did care about the people, they wouldn't not think about messing with Medicare and Medicaid. Rep. Ryan, for example, is not for the people because he wants to cut healthcare for people who are poor. If he cuts healthcare for the poor, then how in the hell are the poor supposed to be taken care of when they get sick or need surgery? Slashing healthcare for the poor would be unhuman. These are real people and they are suffering health wise and financially! The Republicans are cutting everything that is important to the middle class but not cutting things that are favorable to them!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Hypocrisy of Mike Hucklebee

I know it's been a while since I've posted something on my blog. But I just want to discuss what a hypocrite that Mike Hucklebee is. OK, here the thing: Natalie Portman found out that she was pregnant. Mike Hucklebee was critizing the fact that she going to have a baby and she is not married. BUT Mike Hucklebee didn't say anything when America found out that Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol Palin, who was underage as a matter of fact, was to going to have a baby out of wedlock. Bristol Palin was also living with her parents. So why does Natalie Portman get critized for having a baby? Lets not forget Natalie Portman is in fact a fully grown woman and is stable with her own house. I wish Natalie Portman the best with her new baby! Mike Hucklebee was just trying to keep himself in the spotlight and remain popular, but instead he revealed to people what a shmuck (I hope I spelled it right) he is. Mike Hucklebee get a life! I don't think getting pregnant and being a teenager is good rold modeling for kids. This mess should've never been brought up to begin with.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Reason Why Ethnic Studies Needs To Be Saved

After all the accomplishments made by them, will people of ethnic backgrounds ever be considered as equal in America? Well, answer my question. If you say yes, then why is the majority in the states of Texas and Arizona are trying to "whitewash" their education curriculum? If you say "no they're not" then thats BS. We need to learn about our Native American, Hispanic, Latino, Muslim, Asian and African people and ancestors from the past because they are the reasons why we are able to recieve an education by going to elementary, middle, and high school, and finally college or university. They are the reason why we are able to sit and stand in the same places, in the same areas, and use the same public restrooms. They are the reasons why we can drink from the same water fountain as the white people and they are the reason why children of all ethnic backgrounds are able to wade in the water when they are in the same swimming pool with white people. They are the reason why we are able to walk on same street as white people. Education brings dignity and self-respect! We all came a long way, baby! And we can't give up now! Love and Peace 2 u all!

Carry this math problem with you at all times:

Education + Knowledge = Empowerment + Freedom

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Random Thought About the People who are looking for President Obama's birthday certificate.

I was thinking about the "birthers" who are in search of President Obama's birth certificate. Something popped up in my head: We all know that President Obama is an American citizen because he was born in Hawaii in the 1960s. Hawaii became a state of USA in 1959. Now, John McCain, who ran on the Republican ticket for President of the United States, was born in the country of Panama. Panama was a U.S. unorganized territory, but not of state of USA. Why are the birthers concentrating on Barack Obama but not John McCain? Somebody answer that for me! There are some stupid people in this world!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

United States In Danger Of Losing It's Own Democracy!

Hello Everyone,

While the countries of the world are fighting for Democracy and Independence from their dictators, the American citizens are in danger of losing their own Democracy by the day. Around the November 2010 election, Republcans have duped and bamboozled (and used Michael Steele, lol, because the Republicans are in the White House now! They don't need him anymore!)the middle class that actually believed and voted for them because they "wanted their country back". It is now March 2011, and still, no jobs! Republicans, where are the jobs? Today, the Republican dictators(I call the Republicans "dictators" because they are in a POWER trip) of America want to destroy the middle class rights by taking away unions and organizations. They want to take away women's freedom of choices that the women themselves have fought so hard to get for years. Republican dictators want to take away our education buy cutting funds for historically black colleges(I heard this on the news), and cutting funds for NPR and PBS, the station that has always broadcasted entertaining shows to educate and enlighted youth and preschool aged children. People from different cultural backgrounds are losing their rights as well by having their education and their organizations elimated. We need to fight in order to keep our rights because for years people have shed blood for us! While the rich Republican dictators are getting their American Dream in USA, the middle class are suffering day by day and losing their American Dream. The middle class independency is slowly deteriorating.

Georgia Republican Paul Broun's Response to the Question About President Obama was Extremely Unacceptable!

Well People,

The Republicans are just tripping me out day by day. I'm in shock and angry over this. Their trying to break up worker unions for the middle class, they are trying to take away certain rights for American citizens, they are trying to eliminate education funding, and now......oh goodness gracious I can't believe this....but.... a Georgia Republican laughs and take it as a joke after someone know what I'm going to let you see the video. But you know what I don't find this funny at all and this is not a joke to me! Republican Paul Broun showed poor leadership by doing nothing. Paul Broun didn't do anything to handle this situation. I understand about "Free Speech" but this is going to entirely too far! And just the fact that Republican Paul Broun laughed at this question about President Obama makes me sick on the stomach and makes me want to vomit! Paul Brown should have said right at that moment, "Sir, you are out of line and I'm going to have to asked you to leave" and "We don't tolerate that kind of attitude toward the leader of our country and you are being disrespectful". After what happened in Arizona, Paul Broun should've trash the negative gun violence attitude. This does nothing but make things worst regarding the tone in politics. Paul Broun's response to this question and the question itself was extremely unacceptable. It is wrong to incite violence on anyone. Paul Broun was wrong for laughing and that can mislead people. Being stunned and shocked is nothing. The situation was poorly handled. PLEASE STOP THE VIOLENCE!!!!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justice for Shirley Sherrod

What Breitbart did to Shirley Sherrod was unfair! Breitbart said he expressed freedom of speech, but in my opinion, what he did was SLANDER Ms. Sherrod, and that is against the law and charges should be pressed against him. When you discuss a subject you have to sure to get your facts straight! If you don't get your facts straight, everything may fall back on you! Breitbart messed around and came across the wrong person! We need to be full aware that Breitbart's evil intentions are out to DESTROY people who wants to bring everyone together. We all need to put an end to Breitbart's propagandas so all of us can move forward to become as one! It's extremely important for journalists tell the truth because people rely on journalists to inform and educate them on what is going on around the world.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Universal Revolution Continues

The universal revolution of education, freedom, and independence is not yet finished! Education is the escape from bondage and imprisonment! Please give this message to your children!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feelings of the Affects of the Obama HealthCare Bill

Hello People of Unity,

I know that you are tired of the Republicans bashing the HealthCare Bill that Obama signed into law. Well, I would like to tell you my family's experience of the Obama HealthCare Bill. My brother, who is 24, have received a health care card that made him stay on his father's health insurance (because the Obama HealthCare Bill states that a dependent can stay on this HealthCare Bill until age 26). So if my brother gets sick, he will be taken care of. My uncle, who was sick, had everything paid for him. This new healthcare bill it a blessing to my family. People, to get rid of the Healthcare Bill by President Obama would be a huge mistake. Please give President Obama a chance to help you! Thank you President Obama for everything that you are doing for my family.

The Needs for Survival

They say that education is food for the mind, so lets stop giving our children crumbs and start feeding them a descent meal. Some children are starving in desperate need of food and some are immune to their starvation that they don't care for food!If you don't eat, you get sick. The children who are immune to their starvation are use to their sickness. When children are sick, their mind and body deteriorates.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Independence Day for Egypt Feb 11, 2011

Congatulations to the people of Egypt for Febuary 11, 2011 should be declared Independence Day! Egypt, dance the dance of liberation, freedom of thinking, freedom to speak, freedom of doing anything you can put your mind to! You have saved the future of your children and your grandchildren. Egypt, dance and let the blood flow freely through your bodies, let every part become awaken and become alive, because for years your blood circulation was cut off and you didn't have the ability to feel and your spirit was numb. The world just witness history! Today is a brand new day! The people of Egypt has taught the world that anything is possible, because freedom is priceless! HORREYA! HORREYA! HORREYA! AND LIVE LIFE!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why do we need Ethnic Studies? The Answer is Simple.

We need to learn historic ethnic studies, whether it is African, Muslim, Asian, Latino, Hispanic, Native American and South American, so we as a community of people can learn about our past so we can learn how to come up and rise and move forward and take ourselves to another level and build a better future. We also need to learn about our identity and how we were put on this earth. Ethnic Studies are also broadens minds in different ways. As I said before people, ethnic studies and history can be found in the subjects of geography, different grade levels of social studies, language arts and literature, science, and psychology. Several people say that there shouldn't be any classes called Ethnic Studies, there should be one class, making history from different kinds of ethnic backgrounds into one kind of history. BUT in my opinion, when it comes to the history, community, and social studies school textbooks, the information written by the authors who are teachers and professors doesn't either tell the truth or there is not enough infomation that students need to know. Teachers say that knowledge is food for the brain. So people, lets stop feeding the children left over crumbs and lets start feeding them a descent full meal. Because honestly, if it weren't for different kinds of people from ethnic backgrounds and different countries, there wouldn't be a country called United States of America. Also, there wouldn't be various kind knowledges that we now have today in America. People from different ethnic backgrounds (including Native Americans) literally build America of what it is today. So lets protest the new education curriculum in the state of Texas, because it use to be part of Mexico and you can't rewrite true history. Let's protest hb 2281 and save ethnic studies. Knowledge is Power!! Ignorance is NOT an option for America!!! Let's make true education a right for America!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Please Bring Back Nancy Pelosi!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Boehner is a hypocrite because he says he is for the people, yet everytime President Obama invites him somewhere to discuss some of the problems and issues around the country, Boehner ALWAYS has something to do. What can be more important that the issues of the American citizens? If you're not willing to talk or sit down with the President to solve the problems than you weren't for the people to begin with and once again John Boehner is showing poor leadership towards the Republicans who voted for him. What is the real reason why John Boehner in that White House? Also, Boehner didn't even attend the state meeting with the leaders of China about working together. Please somone bring back Nancy Pelosi! Ms. Pelosi did what she had to do as Speaker of the House. She attended several events in order to help the people and she was a true leader and a team player. President Obama was a smart man for choosing Nancy Pelosi. Anytime President Obama pick someone for a job, you can best believe they will get the job done!

Republicans blaming Democrats and Liberals for Arizona's Tragedy

Last week I noticed that Republicans such as Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly have been pointing fingers and attacking the Democrats for what happened in Arizona. Now, I've been interested in politics eversince 2008, and I've been watching MSNBC, CNN, and CSPAN. So far, I haven't heard any Democrats use any messages insinuating violence whatsoever. Now, the Republicans, on the other hand, have been sending out several messages insinuating violence and you can best believe that MSNBC and CNN and everybody else has video info to back that up! Now, what Republicans are doing are very heartless and cruel. They are using the Arizona tragedy as a way to bash the Democrats, Liberals in order to boost your ratings. President Obama, I praise you for going to Arizona to pay your respects to the victims of this tragedy. This will take Arizona a long time to heal. President Barack Obama, you really are a people person! To Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly: I hope people who follow you see your true colors behind your mask!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I thank God for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr so much! If it wasn't for this man, people of different races wouldnot be able to participate in schools, colleges, and universities. People of different races would not be able to getjobs that they desire. Dr. King was and still is another step up for the multicultural ladder around the world. In my opinion, some young people don't realize how good they got it. Dr. Martin Luther King and other civil rights leadersof the 50s and 60s have worked so hard to get the same kind of rights that white people have. And the people who participated in the sit-ins and those riots, when the pressure of the water was sprayed on them like dogs, the skin must have fell off those people's backs! And these young people who THINK that being ingnorant, stupid, committing senseless crimes and thinking they can get away with it and speaking improper English is cool have absolutely no idea! They in the future are about to get a rude awakening!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Leadership of President Barack Obama and John Boehner during the tragedy of Tuscon, Arizona

Hello you guys, this is my second video that I did from YouTube. Please turn the volume up on your computer because I'm a soft spoken person. Thank you. Love you guys.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Republican Leaders Giving Out Dangerous Messages

I would like to say that my heart goes out to Gabrielle Gifford (D-AZ)and her family and hope for a good recovery. Gabrielle,you are in my prayers. All weekend Democrats and Republicans have been pointing fingers at each other for the responsiblity of what happened in Tuscon, Arizona. Democrats (including I) have been blaming Republicans, and the Republicans are putting the blame on Democrats. Some people also recalling the shooter's personality. I'm very sorry but I put the blame on the Republicans and the Tea Party Members such as Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachman, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and the rest of the FOX NEWS CHANNEL fans. You just can't go on television and radio and say outlandish messages. When Republican leaders say these messages they may mean one thing to the Republican leaders but they may mean something else to the people who are listening to them (Republican leaders). Eversince 2008, Republican leaders have have spreading dangerous subliminal messages of hate in order to gain popularity and boost ratings. The ways of campaigning among the Republican leaders have gotten out of control calling themselves praticing "free speech". Republicans leaders must stop promoting violence to people as solutions to situations! Words have power! You have to be careful what you say because leaders are role models too and they have followers. I just felt the need to get off my chest. This is also my opinion no one else's.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Should the N-word be edited or erased from the story, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?

I just heard that the word "nigger" that was used in the story over 219 times, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Samuel L. Clements, will be erased or edited. Me personally, I'm against erasing or editing the word, "nigger" simply because the majority is trying to make African Americans forget how they were treated, how they were negative stereotyped and were valued in the days of slavery. This story explains how children learn racism and negative stereotypes from adults. It also teaches how the majority's opinion about African Americans back in Clements' time. Back in those days, the words, nigger and slave both were completely different from the words human and person. People, this is just another way of the majority trying to "rewrite and change history" . The story, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", was another story about the truth of racism that made the majority look bad. As a matter of fact, the majority doesn't want anybody too watch, read, and learn anything that is going to make them (the majority) look like the enemy today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sarah Palin's complaint against Michelle Obama

I'm distraught at the fact that Sarah Palin talked trash about Michelle Obama encouraging children and other adults to eat healthy. I guess Palin lets her children eat whatever they want. I can't believed that Palin went to a school and brought cookies (that contain sugar by the way) to students protesting Michelle Obama's campaign. I wonder if Palin is
awake of the reasons why Michelle Obama encouragement for her "Let's Move" campaign. Michelle Obama is encouraging other people to make wise decisions when it comes to eating and she wants people to live a longer life. Obesity is at a all time high today, especially in the South of the United States. Is Sarah Palin aware that when people eat all kinds of junk food, that parasites and toxins build up inside the body? Is she also aware that toxins build up as well when junk food is eaten by people? These parasites and toxins can make the body feel tired. Again, is Sarah Palin aware of all this? That is why Michelle Obama wants other people to make the right choices and eat vegetables and fruit. Vegetables and
fruit cleanse the system and get rid of all these toxins and parasites that Sarah Palin suggest that we should shove down our throats from our bodies. Also, if we don't eat fruit and vegetables regularly, our colons won't get cleaned. That is how colon cancer is formed.

The BP Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast (written on July 2, 2010)

BP doesn't care about the well-being of people. It is all about money! By any means necessary! Keeping money within one's own pocket. So far as I see in my eyes is selfishness, inhumanity, and greed with the rich self rightoeus BP. While the oil rig in Louisana was in operation, BP was warned many times about something wrong with the rig, but the people in charge ignored the issues because of their greed. BP rather sacrific our sacred culture for the love of money. It's a shame that sometimes people suffer the bad things that comes with the greed of huge companies. The things that I seen on the news about the oil spill was heartbreaking to me. The Gulf Coast was intensly raped within the hands of money hungry CEOs of BP. An area of sacred wildlife is a ruined waste dump. The sacred wildlife is having a hell of an impact behind BP's love and greed for money. There are various birds, fish, and other animals (some are endangered species) that are covered with oil and dying from breathing trouble (this issue could be considered grounds for imprisonment). People lives and businesses have been ruined behind this ordeal. BP doesn'realize they messed up the entire country because most of the seafood that people eat in America comes from the Gulf Coast. Also, there is a huge chance that the Mississippi River (that flows through the country) will be polluted with oil affecting the drinking water! BP mainly shows concern about maintaining their images than our home. If BP can spent money doing commercials on TV claiming they are doing the best they can, then they can afford to clean up the oil spill. BP often shows their cowardness by stopping photographers and news people from informing people of what is really going on around the Gulf Coast. People who want to volunteer and work for BP in order to help clean up the oil from the explosion are getting the runaround from this company, telling them that they will get phone calls soon. But the people that BP did hire aren't allowed to talk to the media because BP wants Americans to be dumbfounded about what is
going on in their own country. Also, people are being ignore by BP about information on filing claims and everything else. BP is so heartless and cruel that they didn't even check on the families of the victims who were killed in the explosion! The families didn't have to suffer through that. The victims didn't have to die like that!. The workers didn't have to suffer through injuries! We must learn to prioritize! What is more important? Safety and life or money? In order to run a business people must learn to take care of their employees! If people don't realize that, there will be problems. This oil spill in the Gulf Coast could have been avoided! When BP learned about the problems with the oil rig in Louisiana,
they should have stopped everything! BP, you don't care about life, all you care about is money and your benefits, so you can live in your damn mansions condos and drive expensive cars! BP, you're not our pimps, using the Gulf Coast of America to get what you want, keeping us in the dark when something happens, and telling us to "shut-up" and slamming the door in our faces when we have something to say and talk about, then try to screw us over with a couple of dollars! And we are not your whore, BP, while you're taking what belongs to us, then making your money off it, and selling it off as yours property! BP, we're not as "dumb" as you thought we were. We the people of the Gulf Coast do have common sense. BP, you can't just punch us with your fist, then give us a kiss and convince us that it will never happen again! It doesn't work like that! BP, you must suffer the consequences of your actions!