I'm distraught over the fact that some people in America are against building of the Mosque in Ground Zero in New York.
People, America is a free and independent country! No one has the right whatsoever to tell Muslim Americans where to construct a building. Also, people have the right to have whatever kind of religion they want. Now no one has to like it, but everyone has to respect what kind of religion that they have. Telling people where to build a certain place would be very unconstitutional. Also, stop the stereotypes, the hate and the bigotry! How are we going to a united country
if there is so much division in this country? Muslim Americans deserve the same rights as that we as Caucasion-Americans,
Afican-Americans and other Americans have. The statement that some people repeated that Muslims have caused what happened in 9/11 is not true. The truth is Muslims are against violence and terrorism. What happened in 9/11 was conducted under
the work of Al-Queda, Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11. Besides, America have their own terriorist, and they are
called the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), a white organization that hates anybody who is different based on the color of their skin.
People of unity please lets not forget the crimes that the KKK committed during the years simply because they didn't like their skin color.
What bothers me so much is that Conservatives and Republicans
who call themselves "Christians" don't sometimes exercise true "Christian" values as they claim they do, they exercise
their own opinionated view and values and then they call them christian values. The Republicans and Conservatives don't have any room to critize other people who follow other religions. Also, the Bible says God says christians should honor
and obey their King, and so far what I've witnessed, these Conservatives and Republicans haven't done that.
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