I was watching Countdown with Keith Oberman MSNBC one night, and Keith was talking about Rush Limbaugh discussing the death
of George Steinbrenner and Rush Limbaugh said,"That cracker made a lot of money over those black people!" and I responded by saying, "OMG!"
I also said, "Rush Limbaugh is so ignorant and stupid" and my father said, "No, Rush Limbaugh is smart because he is making
a lot of money saying all that racist garbage. He is telling the republicans what they want to hear and he is getting high
ratings because there are actually people out there that are stupid enough to believe what Limbaugh says. People who listens
to Limbaugh all the time are puppets and Limbaugh KNOWS these people are stupid enough to listen to the bullshit that comes out of
his mouth!" People out there Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and other hustlers that are trashing President Barack Obama
are out selling there souls to the devil in order to make a dollar. This is how that damn TEA PARTY MOVEMENT started! All those
people are stupid enough to listen and believe all the garbage these people on television were saying and got them all hyped up.
And while angry lynch mobs are forming, those republican celebrities are cashing their checks and enjoying their
mansions with the swimming pools in their backyard. This is all about MONEY!!!! THESE REPUBLICAN CELEBRITIES DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THESE PEOPLE WHO ARE LISTENING
AND LOOKING UP TO THEM! By the way I think Keith Oberman labeled Limbaugh as the worst person in the world.
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