Glenn Beck's version of "I Have A Dream", which took place on August 28, 2010 in Washington, D.C. is an insult to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy and life, this is an insult to MLK's children, this is an insult to MLK's wife, Corretta Scott King who has been doing MLK's job of keeping up his legacy when her husband was assinated, this is an insult to all the people of color, even if some of them are Republican, and this is an insult to the people of color who maybe to blind to see through Glenn Beck's motives. MLK's motives and goals was for people of every race to come together and love one another and become united as one and have the same equal rights that the majority have in the United States of America, including hoping that all people of different races and religions' eligibility of being elected President of the United States, whether they were Democrat or Republican. MLK motives were to find people to run the country that understood the years of struggle within people of different ethnicity. MLK died fighting "against"racism.Glenn Beck's motives, however, is to ridicule the first person of color to be the President of the United States, because Glenn Beck is a racists. People like Glenn
Beck, however, is one who always had rights in America. Glenn Beck is unhuman for calling President Obama a racist eventhough his mother is white and have white grandparents. While MLK's motives was for every human being of different races to be united as one, Glenn Beck's motives is to divide the races in America, and people who are divided can't stand as one in a country. To this day, civil rights leaders of different races in American are still fighting for equality defined in the Constitution. Glenn Beck is one of the people that is trying to set America back seventy years. All of this proves just how ignorant Glenn Beck is.
Barack Obama is helping people who are struggling economically and regarding health.If MLK was alive today, he would be proud of Barack Obama because what he is doing in the White House. Glenn Beck says that he is reclaiming the civil rights acts, but no one has taken his rights away from anybody.I'm not sure if MLK was a Republican, but if he was, he wouldn't support all this racism that the Republicans spreading around today. MLK wouldn't support the Tea Party Movement because MLK wanted all people to be well taken care of regarding education and health. If MLK was alive today, he would not support Glenn Beck from FOX NEWS CHANNEL, who encourages racism, stereotypes, and other negativity across the country. MLK would not support the Tea Party Movement(especially when they have signs that have President Obama with a Adolf Hitler mustache and wearing a Nazi uniform), FOX NEWS CHANNEL, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity because they all represent hatred and bigotry. Now keep in mind that people like the Tea Party Movement, Glenn Beck, FOX NEWS CHANNEL, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity hated MLK in the early years.
I wouldn't have went to Glenn Beck's celebration of MLK I have a dream speech and to make matter worse, Sarah Palin was there! This is the same woman that stood by Dr. Laura Schlessinger's side when Dr. Laura Schlessinger was excercising her free speech (the n-word incident)! I would want to go to Rev. Al Sharpton's celebration of MLK I have a dream speech, which also took place on August 28, 2010, but I can't remember the location. Rev. Al Sharpton stood by MLK when he was alive. Rev. Sharpton has a better understanding of MLK's message of the "I have a Dream" speech.
MLk would not support the new sb 1070 Arizona Immigration Law and he certainly would not support hb 2281, the ban of ethnic studies in Arizona. MLK also would not support the new education curriculum at the Texas Public School System, the system that is now trying to change and rewrite history (eventhough everyone knows that people can't do that) and trying to change and rewrite the textbooks, removing the some people of ethnic background that helped built America, keeping our children from learning the truth of the past.People of unity, we must hold on to the truth about Martin Luther King's Dream. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr had a dream about the future of equality and living in racial harmony. Glenn Beck was mocking MLK speech.
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