I'm really angry at the fact that people (mainly Republicans) are so wrapped up at the fact whether President Obama is an American or not.
This is a waste of time. We have real issues in this country that need to be dealt with. People need jobs
and the economy is messed up (thanks to Bush), and there is an oil spill going on in the Gulf Coast. We also have more important things to
do with our time. Republicans are still talking about this issue simply because they are looking for an excuse to get
rid of President Obama. These republicans know good and well the President Obama is an American because he was born
in Hawaii in 1961. Hawaii became a state in 1959! Get a life Republicans! The entire time since 2008 (yes eversince 2008) the
Republicans have been talking about stupid issues while the Democrats have been trying to figure out how in the hell
can we get out of this war with Iraq that Bush got us in and how in the hell can we get the economy back in order. The entire
time while the Democrats are trying to get the country back together, the Republicans are too busy exiling Hispanic Americans and get rid of the 14th amendment.
The entire time that the Democrats trying to clean up all the mess thet the Bush Administration did, those Republicans are
going around the country saying "We need to get rid of Obama", and "Lets take our country back", and "Get on the bus" (Micheal Steele said that)
and "Nancy Pelosi need to get at the back of the bus" (Micheal Steele said that too).
Republicans are also angry at the fact that Michelle Obama and her daughter went to Spain. I mean Republicans talked a lot of mess. What is the
big deal about Michelle Obama and her daughter taking a trip to Spain? Nothing! People take vacations all the time! So what is the big deal?
Why aren't the Republican talking about that Republican Micheal Steele spending money at those strip clubs? See, the Republicans don't want
to talk about that! While Democrates main objection is help the people of America, the Republicans main objective is to bash Obama!
This bashing and ruining the Democrats is stupid and immature! We as one need to come together and solve our issues together.
Eversince 2009, the Republicans have absolutely nothing to help this country nor its people! I'm sick and tired of mess people! Grow up, Republicans!
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