Monday, October 17, 2011

My African American Brothers and Sisters, just because Herman Cain look like us, that doesn't mean he's for us!

My brothers and sisters, as you well know, when you look at the news, Herman Cain is steady climbing is way up as Republican Candidate for President of the United States of America. My brothers and sisters, please be alert:
Republicans think that Black people who are mad at Obama will vote for Herman Cain the Republican because he is black! Black People Beware! Republicans want Herman Cain to run for President because they are trying to split the Black Vote. Black People Beware! Even though Herman Cain is black he is still a Republican! Republicans go for the big corporations, they are after one thing, and that is money! Republicans don't care about the people! They don't give a damn whether you live or die! As one of my family members say, just because he look like us DON'T mean he's for us! Black People Beware! Herman Cain the Republican is being used by other Republicans!!!! Black people Beware!! I'm still voting for Barack Obama!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Occupy Wall Street has influenced the entire country of America to revolt. People are angry and has had enough! And the people know what the problem is: Those Republicans that are in Congress. Those same Republicans that promised that there will be jobs for everyone in the future. The Republicans are instead getting richer by the day while regular middle class people struggle and work harder for more money to keep their bills in order.
But eversince the Republicans got in that White House they have accomplished absolutely nothing. Today,as of right now, every second in America, someone is losing their house, someone is losing their job, losing jobs that affects the well being of other American citizens such as a police officer (the safety of people is in trouble everytime a police officer lose his or her job), a teacher (children's education is affected everytime a teacher lose their job), a fireman (families who do have homes are at risk of not being saved everytime firefighters lose their job). People, revolt against the rich people who refuse to pay taxes to order to keep the real America (The Crime Fighter, the Firefighters, the Educators, the Doctors, and the middle class) going.
