Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Phil Roberston of Duck Dynasty on Marriage

Greetings Ladies,

Well Duck Dynasty reality star Phil Robertson is getting attention again. This time he is discussing that young men should marry girls who are age 15 and 16 years old. Now just because this theory worked for him when he was younger doesn't mean this theory will work for everybody else. I'm not perfect either. My parents got married when they were young. But what Phil Roberson doesn't tell young teenagers are the difficult responsibilities that are overwhelming for teenagers such as finances and having children. Truthfully, it takes two people to make a living today and working on a minimum wage salary may not be enough to make ends meet. You have to pay utilities, house note or rent, car note, life insurance, house insurance, car insurance, and health insurance. You have to have money for food and money for gas to put in the car. The reason why Phil Robertson is telling young men to get married to a 15 or 16 girl (and make sure she knows how to cook) is because when a young lady is that age (15 or 16 years old), she doesn't quite have a mind of her own yet and doesn't have an understanding of who she is yet and she is still being raised by her parents. At age 15, a teenage girl is not sure what really wants to be yet. Ladies, a man figures he can control a younger woman and her way of thinking, so I'm begging you ladies, don't fall into that trap. Don't let a man tell you who you are! Don't wrap your life around in a man! Ladies, please do something with your precious lives because you only live once! Choose a career (choose a job that you love to do) so you can help change the world for the better! Ladies, you all have plenty of time to marry. The age of 15 and 16 should be the time to have fun and be happy. Ladies, take this time to go and find yourself! Take some time to figure out who you are and who you want to be as a female. Ladies, have a mind of your own and learn how to express it! Learn how to think! Get an education! Ladies, learn to love yourself! Phil Robertson needs to step into 2014 and get out of the Medieval Era! Girls who are 15 and 16 shouldn't be burdened with multiple responsibilities of making sure that someone else is happy and taking care of kids. Phil Robertson doesn't understand that times have changed and over time women have changed. We as females have learned to think outside the box. Look ladies, just because Phil Robertson married his wife young doesn't mean marrying young is the right thing to do.
