Sunday, February 27, 2011

United States In Danger Of Losing It's Own Democracy!

Hello Everyone,

While the countries of the world are fighting for Democracy and Independence from their dictators, the American citizens are in danger of losing their own Democracy by the day. Around the November 2010 election, Republcans have duped and bamboozled (and used Michael Steele, lol, because the Republicans are in the White House now! They don't need him anymore!)the middle class that actually believed and voted for them because they "wanted their country back". It is now March 2011, and still, no jobs! Republicans, where are the jobs? Today, the Republican dictators(I call the Republicans "dictators" because they are in a POWER trip) of America want to destroy the middle class rights by taking away unions and organizations. They want to take away women's freedom of choices that the women themselves have fought so hard to get for years. Republican dictators want to take away our education buy cutting funds for historically black colleges(I heard this on the news), and cutting funds for NPR and PBS, the station that has always broadcasted entertaining shows to educate and enlighted youth and preschool aged children. People from different cultural backgrounds are losing their rights as well by having their education and their organizations elimated. We need to fight in order to keep our rights because for years people have shed blood for us! While the rich Republican dictators are getting their American Dream in USA, the middle class are suffering day by day and losing their American Dream. The middle class independency is slowly deteriorating.

Georgia Republican Paul Broun's Response to the Question About President Obama was Extremely Unacceptable!

Well People,

The Republicans are just tripping me out day by day. I'm in shock and angry over this. Their trying to break up worker unions for the middle class, they are trying to take away certain rights for American citizens, they are trying to eliminate education funding, and now......oh goodness gracious I can't believe this....but.... a Georgia Republican laughs and take it as a joke after someone know what I'm going to let you see the video. But you know what I don't find this funny at all and this is not a joke to me! Republican Paul Broun showed poor leadership by doing nothing. Paul Broun didn't do anything to handle this situation. I understand about "Free Speech" but this is going to entirely too far! And just the fact that Republican Paul Broun laughed at this question about President Obama makes me sick on the stomach and makes me want to vomit! Paul Brown should have said right at that moment, "Sir, you are out of line and I'm going to have to asked you to leave" and "We don't tolerate that kind of attitude toward the leader of our country and you are being disrespectful". After what happened in Arizona, Paul Broun should've trash the negative gun violence attitude. This does nothing but make things worst regarding the tone in politics. Paul Broun's response to this question and the question itself was extremely unacceptable. It is wrong to incite violence on anyone. Paul Broun was wrong for laughing and that can mislead people. Being stunned and shocked is nothing. The situation was poorly handled. PLEASE STOP THE VIOLENCE!!!!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justice for Shirley Sherrod

What Breitbart did to Shirley Sherrod was unfair! Breitbart said he expressed freedom of speech, but in my opinion, what he did was SLANDER Ms. Sherrod, and that is against the law and charges should be pressed against him. When you discuss a subject you have to sure to get your facts straight! If you don't get your facts straight, everything may fall back on you! Breitbart messed around and came across the wrong person! We need to be full aware that Breitbart's evil intentions are out to DESTROY people who wants to bring everyone together. We all need to put an end to Breitbart's propagandas so all of us can move forward to become as one! It's extremely important for journalists tell the truth because people rely on journalists to inform and educate them on what is going on around the world.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Universal Revolution Continues

The universal revolution of education, freedom, and independence is not yet finished! Education is the escape from bondage and imprisonment! Please give this message to your children!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feelings of the Affects of the Obama HealthCare Bill

Hello People of Unity,

I know that you are tired of the Republicans bashing the HealthCare Bill that Obama signed into law. Well, I would like to tell you my family's experience of the Obama HealthCare Bill. My brother, who is 24, have received a health care card that made him stay on his father's health insurance (because the Obama HealthCare Bill states that a dependent can stay on this HealthCare Bill until age 26). So if my brother gets sick, he will be taken care of. My uncle, who was sick, had everything paid for him. This new healthcare bill it a blessing to my family. People, to get rid of the Healthcare Bill by President Obama would be a huge mistake. Please give President Obama a chance to help you! Thank you President Obama for everything that you are doing for my family.

The Needs for Survival

They say that education is food for the mind, so lets stop giving our children crumbs and start feeding them a descent meal. Some children are starving in desperate need of food and some are immune to their starvation that they don't care for food!If you don't eat, you get sick. The children who are immune to their starvation are use to their sickness. When children are sick, their mind and body deteriorates.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Independence Day for Egypt Feb 11, 2011

Congatulations to the people of Egypt for Febuary 11, 2011 should be declared Independence Day! Egypt, dance the dance of liberation, freedom of thinking, freedom to speak, freedom of doing anything you can put your mind to! You have saved the future of your children and your grandchildren. Egypt, dance and let the blood flow freely through your bodies, let every part become awaken and become alive, because for years your blood circulation was cut off and you didn't have the ability to feel and your spirit was numb. The world just witness history! Today is a brand new day! The people of Egypt has taught the world that anything is possible, because freedom is priceless! HORREYA! HORREYA! HORREYA! AND LIVE LIFE!