Sunday, October 17, 2010

The True Colors Of Jeff Sessions(R-AL)

According to several articles from the internet Jeff Sessions said that civil right organizations NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) is un-American and "Communist-inspired" simply because he thinks people of different ethnic backgrounds shoved civil rights down the throats of majorities. People of Unity, this is insane!!!! Is he serious? Also, Sessions thought that the KKK was good until he found out that the organization smoked pot. Say What? So you mean to tell me that Jeff Sessions approve of the behavior of the KKK terrorizing people of different ethnic backgrounds by using death threats, lynching them on trees, burning crosses on American citizens' front lawns and getting away with such crimes is OK to this man? This is inhuman, a twisted black heart of stone. This man should be fired from his position, because this attitude can't be tolerated anywhere. Also, Sessions think that
people who are illegal immigrants shouldn't receive legal citizenship in the United States. Why? Then he said that he didn't mean anything by his comments. People of Unity, watch out for Republicans who "start to change their words around" and claims of "people taking the comments the wrong way" routine. People like Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and yes Jeff Sessions can show their true colors in public by accident. This also show us that Jeff Sessions and other people like him doesn't care about anyone
but himself. These racists comments may have erected from Sessions' tongue in the 1980s, but the wounds that he inflicted on the multicultural
community will last forever and will never heal. Also, the purpose for the multicultural organizations such as the NAACP and American Civil Liberties
is promote and achieve the same equal rights as the majority in America. People of ethnic backgrounds deserve the right to pursue life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness. People of ethnic backgrounds deserve their chance and their place in America and this world as well. People like Jeff Sessions can't accept the fact that the world is changing and is afraid that people like him will become a "minority". I guess Jeff Sessions thought that the past couldn't catch up with him.

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