Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Catch 22

Dear American Fellow Liberal Democrats,

I understand that you are angry over the President Obama's decision concerning the Bush tax Cuts. But you've got to understand how and why President Obama decided on the decision he made. In my opinion, I think the
rich Republicans had all of this mess planned even before they entered that White House. The Republicans knew the President Obama was going to let those Bush Tax Cuts expire at the end of December 2010. When January 2010 come around, those rich Republicans' taxes were going to go sky high! In January 2010, the Republicans were going to have to dig into their pockets and they didn't want to do that. People, I truely and honestly think that President Obama was going to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire, I really do! But what was President Obama's change of heart? If the Republicans didn't get their way, they were going to turn down everything though of to help the American citizens. The Republicans were going cut unemployment benefits and everthing else anybody can think of! The Republicans would also refuse to work with President Obama as well.People, President Obama was literally BLACKMAILED by those Republicans just so they can get what they want! In my opinion, this is an unprofessional way to run the country! I also had a scary vibe that if the Republicans blackmailed President Obama one time, the Republicans will think that this is what they can do in order to get what they want out of him. Oh, and let's not forget Mitch McConnell's goal: Making Obama a one term President. I believe President Obama thought about this for a long time, and he had to make the decision carefully. President Obama couldn't let American citizens be without money and he couldn't let them starve!
These are people's lives we're talking about! This was a life-threatening situation concerning American citizens! President Obama was more concerned about the lives well-being. People, keep in mind that the rich Republicans are not in touch with reality and don't understand what is important life. They don't know what is it like to "be without". Republicans never had to struggle, and they always had everything handed to them. Now, the Republicans actually believe it is easy to find an easy job in the real world. That is not true!!! Right now the economy is not good in America and as of today people are struggling to make ends meet. People are getting laid off from their jobs left and right this very moment.
And right now unemployment benefits are a neccessity. So I'm not angry at President Obama at all, I'm angry at the Republicans planning their evil tactics around the White House.

Mitch McConnell's one-term President goal on Obama:

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