Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cornel West is a Traitor.

Today I was watching MSNBC on YouTube with Martin Bashir with his guest Cornel West. I was in shock to hear West recent comments on President Barack Obama saying, "President Obama has no backbone." Cornel West calls himself an activist but I haven't seen him participate in anything (if he did participate in something, please feel free to correct me). Also, West said he would like to see another Democrat run for President in 2012. If West don't like the job that President Obama is doing, then why don't West run for President himself? Why isn't Cornel West willing to quit his current job, put his life on the line 24/7 and go to the White House? Cornel West has also criticized Reverend Al Sharpton on MSNBC. President Obama has proven that action speak louder than words. President Obama was and still is willing to get up and solve the problems going on around the United States and put his life on the line everyday because he didn't like the issues the were damaging American Citizens. Someone should tell Cornel West that jealously is an ugly rotten thing. Personally I don't like the division that Cornel West is creating because everytime he opens his mouth, chaos and negativity is made with the Black Community. It is always said that whatever comes out of your mouth can make or break you, influence, destroy, and divide others. Cornel West doesn't realize that the Republicans and Tea Party Movement are thriving on this backbiting he is doing. The Tea Party and the Republican Party depends on this kind of ignorance to cause confusion, division, and negativity on the Democratic Party and Liberals. Cornel West is keeping the Black Community from moving forward and keeping other people from coming together as one and leading us astray.

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