Thursday, June 7, 2012

Condom Distribution To High School Students

This blog entry is about the Huffington Post article about distributing condoms in high schools. I personally though my opinion would be an influence on this controversy. I think it is very appropriate on many different levels to distribute condoms to students not only on prom night but everyday; not only in high schools, but also in middle schools as well. Middle School students are out of control today. I understand this is a taboo subject but this needs to be addressed and discussed by students, parents, teachers, school administrators and school board officials because we as human beings are dealing with precious real lives and we all know that decisions have lifetime consequences. Correct choices must be made. The decisions that seem minor and less important can bite people in the butt in the future. Today Preteens and Teens are making adult decisions. Condom distributing by schools helps provide preteens and teenagers safety from STDs that people face a lifetime dealing with. Today STDs and AIDS humiliate, mutilate, and KILL! Many past preteens and teenagers have endured lifetime pain over a night of passion and pleasure because adults who guide over them neglected to talk to them. Retelling the myth, "If adults give their preteens and teenagers condoms to use, they'll run out and have sex," would be encouraging stupidity. People that follow this myth are blind to what is going on around them and the real world. We as people can't afford to go back into the 1950s. In the 1950s there were only a few diseases. But today, in 2012, the are many kinds of diseases. The reason for the schools giving out condoms is to help students learn to choose life and protect themselves and help them to think about the future. High Schools and Middle Schools are suppose to be part of institutions of learning, so teachers, school administrators, and school officials, be part of your students lives and teach them make the right decisions and teach them that their bodies are temples that need care.

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