Friday, January 21, 2011

Please Bring Back Nancy Pelosi!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Boehner is a hypocrite because he says he is for the people, yet everytime President Obama invites him somewhere to discuss some of the problems and issues around the country, Boehner ALWAYS has something to do. What can be more important that the issues of the American citizens? If you're not willing to talk or sit down with the President to solve the problems than you weren't for the people to begin with and once again John Boehner is showing poor leadership towards the Republicans who voted for him. What is the real reason why John Boehner in that White House? Also, Boehner didn't even attend the state meeting with the leaders of China about working together. Please somone bring back Nancy Pelosi! Ms. Pelosi did what she had to do as Speaker of the House. She attended several events in order to help the people and she was a true leader and a team player. President Obama was a smart man for choosing Nancy Pelosi. Anytime President Obama pick someone for a job, you can best believe they will get the job done!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he is a wolf in sheep's clothing to me. It's getting to the point where I am seeing that the political game is not effective for the people ESPECIALLY Black people!

    When are we going to wake up and realize that when God sent us someone who was ordained to lead us to freedom it was NEVER a politician?

    We will always be disgruntled following a system full of promises that upon investigated further, brings us nothing but the same old crumbs that we have gotten accustomed to existing on.

    We need to do for self and stop waiting on the slave master, whether grandfathered in or elected, to do what we can do for our self!

    Lance Scurvin
