Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Roy Moore of Alabama on Gay Marriage

Hello Everyone,

I was just looking on the news website about how Judge Roy Moore of Alabama sent out a ruling on banning same-sex marriage. There are some random thoughts going through my head. Why on earth do these southern Republican/Dixie politicians of the Southern States of USA think that they are above the United States federal law? They have been like this since the beginning. And why do so many people dumb enough to be their followers? The Southern States has a solid history of being arrogant and thinking they are about federal law. They feel like they have something to prove and they don't like to be told what to do. They want to boost up their pointless pride and ego. When it comes to the United States Constitution they cherry pick what they want and what they like. This is suppose to be the United States of America, land of independence, land of opportunity, but who does the United States Constitution really apply for? Judge Roy Moore has no power over the Supreme Court and the President! His ruling means nothing! Roy Moore has wasted time and taxpayer's money on something that is already made into federal law. Federal overrules State. Judge Roy Moore needs to do what the Federal Law says. If he can't do that, then Roy Moore has absolutely no business in the serving the public. Roy Moore needs to step down from his position.When a Federal Law takes effect in the United States of America, every state and every county in that state in the USA has an obligation to obey that law. Also, what Roy Moore is doing is against the law and causing everyone to break the law in the state of Alabama. The last person who tried to "be above federal law" ended up in jail! And that person was Kim Davis who ended up in jail.

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